New St.Lucia UWP Cabinet Sworn Into Office

The New UWP Cabinet of Ministers led by Prime Minister Allan Cahstenet  was yesterday officially sworn in at a ceremony held at the Philip Marcellin grounds in Vieux fort, before hundreds of Saint Lucians who were given a half-day off from work to attend.
15 government ministers took the oath of office on Tuesday.

The cabinet of ministers  sworn were:


1. Allen Chastanet: Minister of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and the Public Service

Allan Chastanet

Allan Chastanet

Gayle Rigobert

Gayle Rigobert

2. Gale Rigobert: Education, Innovation, Gender Relations, Sustainable Development

3. Ezechiel Joseph: Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Cooperatives

Ezechiel Joseph

Ezechiel Joseph

Stephenson King

Stephenson King

4. Stephenson King: Infrastructure, Energy and Labour

5. Guy Joseph: Economic Development, Housing, Urban Renewal, Transport and Civil Aviation

6. Lennard Montoute: Equity, Social Justice, Empowerment, Youth Development, Sports and Local Government

Lenard 'Spider' Montoute

Lenard ‘Spider’ Montoute

7. Hermangild Francis: Home Affairs, Justice and National Security

8. Mary Isaac: Health and Wellness

9. Edmund Estaphane: Minister in the Ministry of Equity,Social Justice, Empowerment, Youth Development, Sports and Local Government

Bradley Felix

Bradley Felix

10. Bradley Felix: Minister in the office of the PM with responsibility for Industry, Commerce, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs

11. Dominic Fedee: Minister in the office of the PM with responsibility for Tourism and Information and Broadcasting

Dominic Fedee

Dominic Fedee

12. Jimmy Henry: Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Cooperatives

13. Fortuna Belrose: Minister in the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, Empowerment, Youth Development, Sports and Local Government

14. Ubaldus Raymond: Minister in the Ministry for Finance Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and the Public Service

Herold Stanislas

Herold Stanislas

15. Herod Stanislaus: Minister in the Ministry of Economic Development, Housing, Urban Renewal, Transport and Civil Aviation

Doctor Ubaldus Raymond, Fortuna Belrose, Hermangild Francis, Jimmy Henry and Mary Isaac were also sworn in as Senators.

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