Natasha Shanny Grey-Brookes, Leader of the Peoples Action Movement, Reflects on the Midway Point of 2024: A Blessed Monday is Wished to All

Today is July 1st, and I trust and hope it will bring new opportunities for many. The first of the month often reminds us of our realities: rent payments, mortgage payments, bus fares for those living in rural areas, or buying small food items to feed families.
The Music Festival may have brought merriment for some, and I am happy for that because we sometimes need that break away from the stresses of life. I am also happy for the entertainers who helped to bring moments of laughter and joy to the patrons to take their minds away from the worries of life. Hopefully, the vendors and other entrepreneurs realized a well-needed boost in their income too.
The present state of our economy is such that many persons were unable to attend the Music Festival. It was therefore no surprise that many who received complimentary tickets did not hesitate to sell them publicly to make some money. They were willing to forego the “jam and jump up” for food on the table for their children on Monday morning.
Yesterday, June 30, 2024, also brought another disappointment! Our workers who contribute to Social Security were disappointed as they waited with bated breath for the payment of their promised CBI dividends. Our people were promised by our Prime Minister that each year they “shall receive two (2) six-month payments from the proceeds of the CBI program.” Let me remind the Prime Minister that “shall” means mandatory, and so I call on you to ensure our people receive their payment which is now due.
Today we awake to the start of a new month and the second half of 2024. The government needs to get to work on bringing relief to the unemployed and delivering on its many delayed promises. Promises to build 600 homes every year for the next four years to increase the housing stock by 2400 by the year 2027. Many of our young men and women were hopeful for themselves and their families to own a home. Sadly, a paltry two houses have been distributed to date and we see our Prime Minister proudly posting pictures of 20 more houses, but still falling woefully short of the 600 that were promised.
The delay in boosting our economy is having a trickledown effect on our people. Add to this worrisome dilemma the hundreds of school leavers who will be job hunting over the coming weeks and months. Many of them may be joining family members who have been unemployed for a while. Then there is the lack of implementation of price control measures, especially over food prices which have our people in a chokehold.
This latter half of 2024 must be better than survival mode. When will it get better?
-Natasha Shanny Grey-Brookes,
Leader of the Peoples Action Movement

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