Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shows Appreciation to Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College Interns

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 18, 2016– In a brief ceremony held at the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the afternoon of Friday 15th April, two student interns from the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC), Ms. Tahisha Roberts and Mr. Seth Liburd, were presented with Certificates of Achievement by Permanent Secretary Ms. Kaye Bass on behalf of the Ministry, on the completion of their six week assignment at the Ministry and for the great support they provided to the team.
Permanent Secretary Bass, noted,“ We at the Ministry were very delighted to have the student interns with us, as my Ministry has a keen interest in the professional and personal development of young people and in whatever way we can empower them, we are always happy to come onboard. It is always a pleasure for us to partner with the CFBC to train our students and prepare them for the world of work. I want to say a big thank you to both Tahisha and Seth for their hard work. She further highlighted, “It is my hope that the knowledge and experience acquired at the Ministry, would sufficiently serve to equip them to excel in their future jobs, upon leaving the CFBC in the next few months. We indeed wish Tahisha and Seth all the best in their future endeavours and would want to remind them that the doors of the Ministry remain forever open to them, so they should feel free to stop by and visit us from time to time.”
Other members of staff thanked and praised the students for “always displaying the right attitude, demonstrating a willingness to learn, for always being eager to assist when called upon and for their sense of camaraderie.” The students played a key role in assisting the Ministry in the preparation and execution of several administrative and technical functions, during the recently concluded Diplomatic Week that was organized by the Ministry.
An elated Ms. Tahisha Roberts noted, “It was a fun learning experience working at the Ministry. I was particularly overwhelmed and surprised at the expression of thanks, as I really did not expect it , but it certainly makes me feel really special, knowing how much our work was appreciated by the staff.” A content Mr. Seth Liburd, on the other hand highlighted, “I learnt quite a lot during my time at the Ministry, especially about the countries in the world, diplomacy, protocol and how efficient we need to be as office administrators.”
The CFBC students joined the team at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on attachment on March 7th to gain practical work experience, a key requirement towards completing their Associates Degree in Office Administration and Management. Following the brief ceremony, the staff and interns partook of light refreshments to conclude the expression of thanks to the two students.
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