St. Kitts And Nevis’ Ministry Of International Trade, Industry, Commerce And Consumer Affairs And Caribbean Development Bank To Host Managing For Development Results Workshop

Basseterre, St. Kitts, (18 April 2016) – The Ministry of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs in collaboration with the Caribbean Technological Consultancy Services (CTCS) Network of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will be hosting a 3-day workshop on Managing for Development Results (MfDR) for Business Support Organisations.
As the global community continues to scrutinise the effectiveness of aid from donor countries/agencies to developing countries, MfDR has become a key strategy in measuring results throughout the development process by placing focus on using performance information to improve decision making. It involves using practical tools for risk management, strategic planning, progress monitoring and outcome evaluation.
The objectives of the workshop are to:
a. Equip participants with knowledge and understanding of key MfDR tools based on international practice;
b. Outline a common approach to MfDR; and
c. Provide participants with tools and methodologies to measure, monitor and report results in a gender sensitive way.
The workshop is aimed at agencies engaged in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) development activities, and will be co-facilitated by Mr. Delwayne Delaney, Project Development Officer, National Entrepreneurial Development Division and Ms. Nyanya Browne, Trade Policy Officer, Ministry of International Trade et al.
Target agencies include Government Ministries, Financial Institutions and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
The workshop will be held from 26-28 April, 2016 at the Ocean Terrace Inn, Basseterre.

For futher information please contact the Ministry at (869) 467-1203 or
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