Dr. Charles Warner
By: Dr. Charles Warner (Democrat Newspaper)
Persons have said many things about Lady Marcella Liburd. Having no malice towards, no disrespect for the daughter of the fine lady, Anne Liburd, such calls will be avoided. However, Miss Marcella is not exempt from certain questions. Frankly, the Bee Gees song “I started a joke which started the whole world crying” applies to her recent utterances. One wonders if she has recently emerged from a cocoon or a coma.
One has to wonder if her recent talk is really early practice for sagwa or Neiga business. She is calling on Prime Minister Harris to give a double salary to the public servants. Let it be known that the hardworking public servants deserve a top-up or double. The reason given is that times are hard.
Times have been hard and were made hard since early in the tenure ship of Dr. Douglas. It is dishonest to give the impression that times are hard presently due to the present government. Hard times and difficulty are the legacy of Dr. Douglas, her leader. The people can surely remember the reasons given by Dr. Douglas. He admitted that times were hard in his day. But, he always said those times were due to the world’s financial crisis. Yes, the season is near but the lady has to correlate her reasons and examine them before speaking.
As the facts are, times were hard long before February, 2015. In fact that is why Douglasism came to an end.
If times are hard now, then under Dr. Douglas they were like Tungsten. The Dr. Harris government has done a lot to soften up the hard times created by Dr. Douglas and Marcella. VAT has been removed from essential items and the sugar workers paid.
Three things will be pointed out to the fine lady. Her voice was silent as regards asking Dr. Douglas to give the bus passes to the elderly. She did not go public asking her boss to deliver the sixteen (16) million dollars to the sugar workers. When Dr. Douglas had some 1.7 billion of SIDF money she did not call on him to give a double. When the Labour government ministers were having a 33% salary increase, times were hard for the public servants. They were given a Mickey Mouse salary increase.
When the big boys on the Southeast Peninsula were getting 52 million of SIDF money, the big boys in the Northwest some 28 million dollars, times were hard for the people. Marcella had on the mute button.
The workers at Public Works Department and Water Department were facing hard times when her government removed their Christmas bonuses. No one heard from Lady Marcella.
Lady Liburd is very vocal these days. On the issue of the Basseterre High School Marcella was the Minister of Health. She was so quiet while Nigel Carty told the world that the population had psychological or psychosomatic problems. It is a noticeable change.
The lady has gone as far as to say that the RSS is not to be here because there is no crisis. In other words the lady wants a crisis in St. Kitts and Nevis. Sensible government officials make every effort to avert a crisis. She wants the RSS to be sent to Haiti where the United Nations has troops eg. from Senegal.
In all of this it has to be understood that some people really want St. Kitts and Nevis to be in a crisis. One that they make or one that they can or hope to benefit from. This is what Marcella and her fellow Douglasites want in St. Kitts and Nevis. The threat has already been made to “turn up” things.
Marcella represents Central and the Mc Knight region, one seriously bothered by the high rate of homicides. She is arguing about doors broken into and homes searched. The amount of coffins closed does not seem to bother her. All searches should be done under the law. However, most parents will get over the noise of a door being broken into. On the other hand, the quiet closure of a casket is never forgotten, never overcome.
The fine lady has to understand crises. They occur on both a macro and micro scale. When a young father is killed the children are left without his support and guidance. Sadly, such results foster the evolution of further crisis in the larger society. Maybe the fine lady has to take a bit of time off from the “mouthing” and review her sociology and social psychology. There is no doubt that she knows it so she needs to just turn the pages to refresh her memory.
St. Kitts and Nevis averted a crisis by bringing Douglasism to an end. It did not take the RSS. On the matter of abuse, even the abuse of the Army could not keep Douglasism in office. The abuse of the Army to protect illegal voters never bothered the lady. Today, Dr. Harris has brought in the RSS in an effort to curb the crisis of homicides and Lady Liburd is highly offended.
If Lady Liburd was consistent in her silence then much of what some people say would not be said. Many people are offended by her hypocritical speech and or behaviour. The lack of consistency is very noticeable and some persons will naturally lose the respect they have for her. That said the lady has to think clearly prior to opening her mouth.
Miss Liburd makes a big fuss about the cost of the RSS. As far as is known whether the RSS is here or not St. Kitts and Nevis has to make a financial contribution. She withheld this from the public.
The RSS is now out and Miss Liburd has gotten her wish. It is a critical time of the year and the results are left to be seen. Preferably the RSS should have been here up to December 31st. The local service people will continue the work. Let us all hope that the support Miss Liburd provided over the past weeks will be maintained when the local police and army do their work. The nation will be all ears as it relates to the commit of Miss Liburd.
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