“Jonel Powell: Potential PAM Leader, Possibly Nominated at Party Caucus this Sunday; ‘Come Sunday and We Will See,’ Says Powell”


***The political landscape of the Peoples Action Movement (PAM) is buzzing with speculation as Jonel Powell, the Deputy Political Leader and former Minister of Government, hints at a possible bid for leadership. Powell’s recent remarks in an interview with FREEDOM FM’s Issues host, Jamiella McPhail, have only added fuel to the anticipation surrounding PAM’s upcoming leadership decisions.When questioned about his intentions regarding PAM’s leadership, Powell’s response was suggestive yet non-committal. He indicated that nominations could be made from the floor during the forthcoming caucus, scheduled for Sunday, hinting that all uncertainties would be resolved at that time.Despite Powell’s reluctance to declare his candidacy officially, there is widespread speculation that he may emerge as a frontrunner for the party’s top position. As a former representative of Central Basseterre Constituency 2, Powell has long been viewed as the future face of PAM. His familial ties to the party, particularly through his uncle, Dr. William V. Herbert, one of the party’s founding fathers, further bolster his standing within its ranks.Despite facing challenges, including what some perceive as a ‘humiliating loss’ in the August 2022 elections, Powell remains a dynamic and captivating figure within PAM. His resilience, charisma, and enduring appeal have cemented his position as a potential leader within the party.As the anticipation mounts ahead of Sunday’s caucus, all eyes are on Powell and his potential candidacy. While he has not yet been formally nominated nor publicly expressed his interest, Powell’s influence looms large over PAM’s political landscape. With Powell’s trademark optimism, he urges patience, stating, “Let’s wait until Sunday and see what happens!”Sunday’s caucus holds the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding PAM’s next leader, with Powell emerging as a compelling contender poised to shape the party’s future direction.

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