Hon. Wendy Phipps To Co-Chair PANCAP Meeting Ahead of UN Summit on Ending AIDS




St.Kitts-Nevis Minister of  State with Responsibility for Health Hon. Wendy Phipps along with Caricom Secretariat Assistant Secretary-General for Human and Social Development, Dr Douglas Slater are both  Set To Co-Chair a PANCAP Meeting Ahead of UN Summit on AIDS

The Pan-Caribbean Partnership Against HIV/AIDS (PANCAP) says it will hold a meeting in the United States on Wednesday to brief Caribbean governments and civil society ahead of the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on Ending AIDS.

The three-day UN meeting, which also starts Wednesday, will focus on the required accelerated response over the next five years to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies, and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001.


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