From Resolve to Silence: Timothy Caines Slams Weak Opposition as Premier Faces Criticism Over ‘Fair Share’ Inaction

Premier Vance Amory once related that when in 1995 the CCM first of a majority of seats on the Opposition benches, he (as Premier of Nevis) decline to take the Leader of the Opposition role, (in favor of Hon. E. Malcolm Guishard). His reasoning was that it was not thought to be wise for the Premier of Nevis to be pitted against the Prime Minister in the Fereral Assembly, as the NIA needed the Federal Government’s support on certain matters, such as debt guarantees and certain developments.
I believe we can now all see the wisdom in that decision. Bear in mind that this was 1995, when the workings of Nevis, for all intents and purposes, was independent of the workings of St. Kitts.
Today we have a Premier sitting as Leader of the Opposition, and seemingly cannot or will not challenge the Federal Government on any matter, or otherwise attempt to hold its feet to the fire. It took the Member from Nevis Eleven, to mention a few sentences on the “Fair Share” issue,(in a “by the way” manner); predicated with a reminder that he is no longer a part of the NIA; and followed with an almost apology that is was the people on the block that asking.
Mind you, this is the same Fair Share that was so pertinent and paramount a predicament, that we had to “resolve or dissolve”. Now, not a peep.
A robust Opposition is essential to get the best out of any Government. Weak Opposition facilitates bad governments. And sadly, the state of Opposition on both islands is the weakest it has been in recent memory, (if not since Independence).

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