Drew led Government’s Incompetence Sparks School Meals Delay Apology from DPM and Minister of Education Hanley

In a rare display of accountability, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, has issued an apology on behalf of the government for the delay in delivering school meals on the opening day of the new school year. This apology comes in the wake of numerous issues that plagued the commencement of the academic year, including unprepared school facilities and the school meals program.The delay in meal deliveries on Monday, September 4, 2023, was primarily attributed to ongoing cosmetic enhancements at the facility responsible for meal preparation. Dr. Hanley, recognizing the gravity of the situation, has assured the public that swift action will be taken to rectify this issue.”In the upcoming days, the ministry will make the necessary adjustments to ensure timely lunch deliveries,” stated Minister Hanley. “We deeply care about the well-being of our students, and we remain committed to aiding those in need and express our gratitude to those affected for their patience.”The St. Kitts School Feeding Programme, a vital initiative promoting healthy bodies and minds among the nation’s students, was established in 1982 under the Dr. Rt Hon. Sir Kennedy Simmonds led PAM/NRP administration . It provides nutritious meals for primary and some high school students, including those in private schools, with meals prepared at the centrally located School Meals Center and distributed efficiently to participating schools.

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