Dr Drew Administration Shows Blatant Disregard for Procurement Procedures as Millions of Dollars in Taxpayers Money are being Squandered

Political Leader of the People’s Labour Party and former Prime Minister, Dr Hon Timothy Harris has taken the government to task over its constant wastage of public funds and for its blatant disregard of procedures, particularly as it relates to the procurement of government projects as outlined in the Procurement Act. “This government cares only about high salaries for its ministers, frequent traveling, wheeling and dealing, and wasting public money. It is time for this government to go,” Dr Harris revealed during an informative press conference at the Marriott Resort on 26th October. One particular cause for concern expressed by Dr Harris was the improper procurement of water storage tanks for residents of St Christopher Eight who are mostly affected by continued water shortage. “How else do you explain $5.8 million spent on a mere 1,000 water tanks of unknown quality. Given what these tanks are being sold for elsewhere, we deduced that the cost is too high. We challenge the government to indicate why it failed to allow the tender process to work and allow the best bidder to supply the tanks. This would have allowed any interested resident an opportunity to secure a quality product at the most affordable cost to our country, thereby offering value for money.,” former Prime Minister Harris explained. Dr Harris also called into question the unceremonious manner in which the storage tanks were distributed to only a select number of households. He said, “We do not even know how many of the 1,000 tanks were in fact distributed, to whom they were given, what criteria was used or why were some persons refused tanks.” Also, the leadership of the People’s Labour Party raised concerns for the exorbitant cost to the Treasury and lack of transparency surrounding the transformation of the home of the nation’s first National Hero, the late Right Excellent Sir Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw, into a museum. “How does the government justify building a museum on private lands, hand-picking architects, contractors and charging the Treasury $8million without an open and accountable public procurement process? How can such an act be allowed? They were in such haste to spend the public money to benefit their private interests that they did not even wait for submission and approval of designs by the Physical Planning and Development Board.” “Why is this government breaking its own laws?” Dr Harris questioned. “Why is this government breaking its own laws? A government that promised a better way, openness and transparency called its party preferred supporters and made private deals to pay $8million of public funds, breaking its own Procurement Act, breaking Rules relating to building.” Dr Timothy Harris maintains the view that the life and legacy of the nation’s first National Hero should be memorialized in a manner benefiting the contributions Sir Robert Bradshaw made to the advancement of the Federation. He notes however that the costs associated with the project far exceeds what is needed. “We spent less than $6 million to build a modern judicial and security complex in Sandy Point, comprising a Magistrate Court, Fire Station and Police Station. These three security and judicial facilities were done for less than $6 million. Three large facilities for less than $6million. Now we hear $8million and counting for the museum on private lands, without procurement procedures being followed. This government is not seriously committed to good governance. It encourages the parasitical arm of its party to exploit the government Treasury,” former Prime Minister Harris said. Dr Harris stated firmly that these deliberate acts being committed by the current administration must end. He concluded that for this to end, the Dr Drew-led Labour Party administration must go.

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