Carnival Cruise To Resume Weekly Calls To St.Kitts Announces Minister of Tourism Hon. Lindsay Grant

St.Kitts-Nevis Minister of Tourism Hon. Lindsay Grant-Cruise Ships at Port Zante

Minister of Tourism in the St.Kitts-Nevis Team UNITY Administration is expressing immense pleasure as he was able to announce that Carnival Cruise Line executives had confirmed that Carnival Liberty will resume its weekly (Friday) calls to St. Kitts on Friday, May 1, 2015.

The vessel’s regular visits to St. Kitts were temporarily halted because of strong winds and technical issues with the ship’s thruster system.

In a Release issued on Wednesday SCASPA stated that The resumption of the ship’s calls to the island came as a result of their successful efforts in securing the use of two powerfully built tugs to maneuver the vessel into Port Zante in adverse weather conditions. These tugs, the Anjanvel from Santo Domingo and the Statia Caroni from Saint Eustatius, will assist the vessel during its berthing operation at Port Zante every Friday until the problem with the vessel’s thruster system is resolved.

SCASPA , Tourism officials and Minister Grant  are all pleased with the return of the 2,974-passenger capacity cruise ship.

Mr. Grant is currently off island in Europe on official government business.

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