“I am constantly impressed by the performance of my talented staff at the Permanent Mission of St Kitts and Nevis and I took this day out to thank two of our Junior and Newest Members in the persons of 2nd Secretary/Sheldon Henry and 3rd Secretary/Denaula Laplace for their continuing hard work.” These were just some of the glowing words of commendation and compliments expressed by Ambassador His Excellency Ian McDonald Liburd about the young staffers at the SKN Permanent Mission in New York.
His Excellency Liburd used his social media platform to laud the young staffers and what he described as their remarkable talents and skills.
“They bring to us their remarkable talents and skills that is fueled together. I am amazed by how they maintain their high level of productivity while taking on even more challenges and at the same time having to work remotely and under sometimes strenuous conditions in these unpredictable days and times,” said His Excellency Liburd
He continued “They are two of the most reliable employees that are the best gifts that a leader can ask for. Their excellent performance can be an inspiration to all in the Federation. It is such a great relief for any leader to have colleagues who can manage themselves without trying to underhand you in every step.”
He congratulated the duo and praised their work on their most recent assignment.
Ambassador Liburd said “Congratulations to you both on your great victory on our last presentation at the United Nations. Your creative and innovative thinking has put you both in a class all on your own.
You did all the foundation work in what was “A First Ever” for the Federation (since signing the UN Charter 38 years ago) that helped to spearhead the adoption of the resolution in ‘Solidarity with and Support for the Government and People of Haiti in the aftermath of the recent earthquake.” In so doing you helped to give me the honour to introduce this resolution in my capacity as Chairman of the CARICOM Caucus of Permanent Representatives and on behalf of the 14 Members States of the Caribbean Community.”
In Concluding his commendation the UN Ambassador stated “Exemplary employees inspire their leader on a daily basis. You are both young role models and your dedication to your work is facilitating the requisite change that will only redound to success at this Mission. For that reason I am convinced that the Future of a Better, Stronger and Safer St Kitts and Nevis will be forever in the capable hands of young, talented and educated experts like yourselves and it is very much appreciated by me.
As a Young Woman and a Young Man you both could not have come to the Mission at a better time in spite of the COVID-19 Pandemic. I therefore encourage both of you to focus on shifting social norms, supporting policy change and amplifying your voices through the development of effective partnerships and in the process ensure that the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis aligns itself with the United Nations Youth 2030 Strategy.”
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