A Stronger, Safer Future Awaits the People of St. Kitts and Nevis Under a Revamped and Energized Peoples Labour Party Government

Stronger, safer future. After twelve months of introspection, prospection and careful planning, the Political Leader of the People’s Labour Party (PLP), Dr the Hon Timothy Harris has told the people of St Kitts and Nevis that the PLP is ready and willing to deliver that stronger, safer future that is desperately needed in the Federation.
“We have made substantial progress with the organization of PLP in all constituencies and in activating the units of the PLP,” said Dr Harris, the third Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis. “We are meeting regularly and various sub-committees are now active. We are preparing ourselves well for the future. The future is here with us. The Stronger, Safer Future will be delivered by PLP working together with all right thinking people and entities.”
The Peoples Labour Party convened its first press conference today since the highly successful staging of its 2023 National Convention.
It was there that Dr Harris told members of the media and the thousands listening and viewing via the various media platforms that PLP offers a new and contrasting vision of a successfully managed St Kitts and Nevis.
“People living comfortably; having quality and affordable healthcare; affordable housing; regular supply of potable water, and clean energy like solar, wind, etc; We envision the prioritization of national security, health, education, housing, good governance, strong economic growth, jobs creation, improved wages and social safety nets that reflect our reality. We are committed to protecting the poor, low and middle income earners, and the differently abled in our society,” he said.
It was added that a “PLP in government will certainly treat as sacred its commitment to the maintenance and promotion of the rule of law; basic human rights; democracy; inclusiveness and the eradication of all forms of discrimination against people. We will unify the people of the Federation in service of the common good for the benefit of all; eradication of poverty, social safety nets for needy persons and groups and encourage and support a vibrant and proactive private sector.”
Dr Harris thanked the thousands of persons who continue to hold true to the beliefs of the Peoples Labour Party, and called on all other right-thinking citizens and residents to join hands with the PLP on its mission to rescue St Kitts and Nevis from the inexperienced and ill-equipped Drew administration.
“Keep hope alive because the Peoples Labour Party is ready again to serve you. Having learnt from the past successes we are ready, with your help, to redeem this country again and make it as we have been describing it as a Garden of Eden,” said Dr Harris.

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