Leading Kittitian Physician calls on SKN Government to fix problem at island’s Largest High School. Calls BHS Saga Shameful

dr bichara sahely


Dr. Bichara Sahely


Leading St.Kitts Physician and Social Commentator Dr. Bichara Sahely has used social media to express his thoughts and  grave concerns regarding the recent report presented by CARPHA on the much debated Basseterre High School Campus  Health issue.

Sahely indicated that he reviewed the report and highlighted a number of his conclusions.

The Internal Medicine Specialist said  “I have reviewed the entire report and these are the conclusions it made: pg 46-47…In epidemiology, we talk about the triad – the interaction of the agent, host and environment in determining the cause and distribution of diseases.  You need an agent, a susceptible host and conducive environment.  They spent some time talking about the conducive environment for mold formation and leakage of sewage gas and mitigating actions to remedy the situation.  If they did not find potential causal links, then why are they making their recommendations, as there would not have been any basis for their recommendations in the first place.”

The Consultant Physician at the main JNF Hospital Dr. Sahely concluded by asking that a truthful  assessment without the usual political spinning be done of the report

“Let us try to be as truthful as we can, without spinning for political gains.  As the BHS was my alma mater, it is time to accept the facts and implement the recommendations in its totality as quickly as physically possible for the benefit of our teachers and students.  This should not have been made a political matter in the first place, and has been a shameful episode in our alma mater’s history.  To the powers that be, PLEASE FIX IT!!!”

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