Restore PAP, Cut Unnecessary Travel, Slash Ministers’ Salaries, and End Lavish Spending – Dr. Timothy Harris Demands End to Wasteful Expenditure Under Drew-Led Government at PLP’s October Press Conference!


At the People’s Labour Party (PLP) Monthly Press Conference held on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, at the St. Kitts Marriott, St. Kitts-Nevis’ Third Prime Minister and National Party Leader of the PLP, Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, delivered a scathing opening statement. He called out the current Drew administration for its “hopeless” leadership and reckless spending, urging citizens to hold the government accountable and remove it from office. Dr. Harris’ remarks pointed to a sharp decline in fiscal prudence since his own tenure and made a passionate case for realigning the country on the path of prosperity.

“Government of Joyrides and Scandals”

Dr. Harris did not hold back in condemning what he termed a “selfish and corrupt” Cabinet under Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, which he claims prioritizes personal benefits over the needs of the citizens. In his fiery address, Harris accused the administration of lavish spending on international trips, while neglecting key sectors such as healthcare, security, and infrastructure. “Our country is going in the wrong direction,” he declared, lambasting the government for being “missing in action” at critical moments.

Asserting that the current administration has “made government about themselves,” Dr. Harris pointed to the ongoing hardships faced by ordinary citizens, contrasting the present turmoil with the success of his own government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic growth, and social safety nets. He argued that under his leadership, the government managed to maintain fiscal health without borrowing, in stark contrast to the present government, which he said has plunged the country into debt for projects such as hospital upgrades and desalination plants.

Recommendations to Address Wasteful Expenditure

Returning to the issue of wasteful expenditure, Dr. Harris made clear recommendations for reversing the downward spiral in governance. He emphasized the need to restore accountability and fiscal responsibility, ensuring that public funds are utilized to benefit the nation as a whole, rather than a select few. Here are his key recommendations:

  1. End Unnecessary Foreign Travel

Dr. Harris called for a halt to the endless trips taken by government ministers, deeming many of them unnecessary and a drain on the national budget. He recommended limiting travel to critical engagements that would bring direct benefits to the country.

  1. Audit of Public Spending

A full audit of government spending is necessary, according to Dr. Harris. He called for transparency, particularly in the areas of health, infrastructure, and social welfare, where funds appear to have been misallocated. This audit, he suggests, would help identify areas where cuts could be made without affecting essential services.

  1. Reform the CBI Programme

The Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme, once a hallmark of St. Kitts and Nevis’ economic success, has become uncompetitive under the Drew administration, according to Harris. He recommended returning to the policies that made it a global leader while implementing stricter governance to prevent corruption.

  1. Restore Public Assistance Programmes

Harris lambasted the government’s reduction of PAP (Poverty Alleviation Programme) benefits from $500 to $250 per month. He recommended not only restoring but increasing PAP benefits to meet the growing needs of the most vulnerable.

  1. Invest in Infrastructure with Transparency

Harris highlighted the importance of transparent procurement processes in public infrastructure projects. He argued that major initiatives, such as hospital and road upgrades, must be scrutinized to ensure they are completed on time and within budget without unnecessary borrowing.

  1. Reduce Cabinet Salaries and Redirect Funds

Noting the 36% increase in Cabinet members’ salaries, Dr. Harris urged an immediate rollback, suggesting that the funds be redirected towards education, healthcare, and crime prevention.

  1. Strengthen Civil Service Leadership

Dr. Harris criticized the politicization of the civil service, recommending reforms that would ensure professional, merit-based appointments rather than political patronage.

“The People Deserve Better”

In his closing remarks, Dr. Harris underscored the importance of trust in leadership, pointing out that “a government that cannot keep its promises has failed its people.” He urged citizens to come together to remove the “one-term Drew government” and to support the PLP’s vision for a more accountable and prosperous St. Kitts and Nevis.

Dr. Harris’ speech clearly reflected the growing dissatisfaction with the Drew administration’s governance, promising to take a stand against wasteful expenditure and corruption. His recommendations serve as a blueprint for a future government that prioritizes fiscal responsibility and transparency, while ensuring that all citizens benefit from the nation’s resources.

As the nation heads into another election cycle, the question remains: will Dr. Harris’ warning resonate with the electorate, or will the Drew government weather the storm? Only time will tell.

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