5 MINISTERS OFF ISLAND ! Leadership Crisis Deepens: Minister Duggins’s Mysterious Exit Amplifies Concerns as Over Half the Drew SKNLP Cabinet, Including 5 Ministers, currently off island !

An unprecedented number of government Ministers have simultaneously left their post for overseas travel . With four out of six elected Ministers and a total of five Ministers off-island, including the sudden and unannounced departure of Minister Samal Duggins, questions arise about who is steering the ship in their absence since no Ag. Prime Minister has been named.

The Drew Cabinet, already under intense scrutiny for their exorbitant travel expenses, is now facing unprecedented backlash as citizens express outrage at what they perceive as unnecessary globetrotting. The revelation that some Ministers have accrued over half a million dollars in travel expenses within just 15 months further fuels public discontent.

5 Ministers are currently off island including PM Drew, Ministers Clarke, Douglas and Maynard who are all heading to Dubai for COP 28 as part of a massive 20 person Delegation. Minister Duggins left island on Tuesday but no announcement has been made about whether his trip is official or personal.

The overseas engagements and frequent trips have set records for Cabinet travel, averaging two 5-day trips per month with a per diem of $400. Critics argue that this excessive travel becomes a lucrative means for Ministers to supplement their already substantial incomes, raising concerns about accountability and public service commitment as some Ministers rack up an extra $4000 per month in travel per diem adding to their already substantial Ministerial income.

As the nation grapples with this leadership vacuum, the departure of Minister Duggins adds an air of mystery, intensifying the demand for transparency and sparking urgent discussions about the responsibilities and obligations of elected officials. #LeadershipCrisis #MinisterialDeparture #CabinetChaos

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