$14 Million Down the Drain! Dr. Timothy Harris Blasts PM Drew’s Administration for Wasting Funds on Abandoned RL Bradshaw Museum Project

At the People’s Labour Party (PLP) Monthly Press Conference held on Wednesday, October 16th, Dr. Timothy Harris fiercely criticized Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s administration for its handling of the now-abandoned RL Bradshaw Museum project, revealing that a staggering $14 million was spent. Dr. Harris did not hold back, calling the spending reckless and a gross misuse of public funds.

“$14 million Labour spending to build a museum for Bradshaw… $14 blasted million while money scarce and the economy is in ruins!” Dr. Harris exclaimed, questioning why such a project took priority over the pressing needs of the people. He lambasted the government for spending millions on a museum for former Prime Minister Robert L. Bradshaw, especially on private property that had already been willed away.

Dr. Harris raised serious concerns about the decision-making process behind the project. “They go up Red Cross Hill, say they’re building a museum for Bradshaw on private property. Entered on it. Groundbreaking here and there. Pick and pick a political hack to do the job. And we, the country, must pay for it.”

The former Prime Minister demanded transparency, questioning whether the project went through proper bidding channels and how the contractor was selected. He expressed disbelief that the project, originally estimated at $6 to $8 million, had ballooned to $14 million. “How does it start at a projected 6 or 8 million and end up costing us 14 million dollars? Why is that a priority now?”

Dr. Harris sharply criticized the Drew administration for focusing on a project honoring Bradshaw, who passed away 45 years ago, while cutting essential programs like the Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP). He suggested that the project was rooted in a personal attachment to Bradshaw rather than national interest. “You want to say he has special attachment to Bradshaw. Boy, Bradshaw ain’t no you!”

Dr. Harris’ fiery comments have ignited a political storm, with many questioning the government’s spending priorities as the nation grapples with economic challenges.

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