LET’S TRY SOMETHING ELSE: Kevin Ninky Williams Urges Sports Organizations to Rally for Peace Amid Crime Surge

Community leader and businessman Kevin Ninky Williams has issued a powerful statement and a clarion call to sports organizations, teams, clubs, and community groups to unite in the fight against the unprecedented surge in crime and violence plaguing the nation. As the country grapples with an alarming wave of senseless murders, Williams is advocating for a collective effort to restore peace and safety within communities.

In his statement, Williams expressed deep sorrow and frustration over the heartbreaking impact of these crimes:

Sad, So Sad, Very Sad… You are hearing the cries of parents, children, friends, and loved ones of the victims daily. The void and heartbreak these senseless murders are causing. You will hear, ‘Oh, the government this, the police that…’ WHAT CAN THEY DO that they are not doing?
The wicked heart of these ruthless murderers needs cleansing. These evil men and women have no regard for human life. The sad thing about it is that society knows the culprits, even accepts and glorifies them. So what do we expect?
This epidemic is a DANGER to SOCIETY and MUST be eradicated. This type of behavior is destroying the backbone of our society.
We need a COMMUNITY approach to this problem. Our society MUST fight back and take control of our communities.
I am calling on all sports teams, coaches, clubs, associations, schools, churches to come together on FRIDAY, 23 August at 4 pm in the afternoon—the entire island—and walk through their community to plead with the dark-hearted souls to put an end to this violence. This is URGENT AND MUST BE IMPACTFUL.

Williams’ call to action highlights the importance of a united community response to address the crisis, emphasizing that it is no longer sufficient to rely solely on the government and police. He urges every sector of society, particularly those involved in sports and community development, to take a stand and actively engage in efforts to combat the growing violence.

With his plea for an island-wide walk for peace, scheduled for August 23, Williams hopes to inspire a movement that will resonate deeply within communities, encouraging those who have turned to violence to reconsider their actions and choose a path of peace. His message is clear: the fight against crime and violence requires the involvement of everyone, and it is time to try something new to bring about real and lasting change.

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