Youngest-Ever Principal And First-Ever Elected Secretary Of The CCM (Concerned Citizens Movement) Youth Executive Catherine Seabrookes-Wilkinson Takes The Helm At St. James Primary School, Bridging Education And Passion For Politics

Congratulations are in order for Catherine Seabrookes-Wilkinson, who has made history by becoming the youngest-ever Principal of St. James Primary School. Ms. Seabrookes-Wilkinson’s journey has been characterized by dedication to both education and community engagement.

Her passion for both education and her country’s development became evident early on, as she became the first-ever elected secretary of the inaugural CCM (Concerned Citizens Movement) Youth Executive, highlighting her interest in politics and national progress.

In a heartfelt post announcing her new role, Ms. Seabrookes-Wilkinson shared her excitement about leading St. James Primary School in Nevis. With the school’s motto, “Success through Perseverance,” as her guiding principle, she emphasized the challenges students face in their educational journey and in life.

Being the youngest principal among her peers, her appointment reflects the collective confidence in her leadership capabilities. Her teaching journey, which began in her father’s hometown at Ivor Walters Primary and continued to her hometown at St. Thomas’ Primary, has now culminated at St. James’ Primary, her mother’s hometown, creating a touching full-circle narrative.

Ms. Seabrookes-Wilkinson’s vision for the future is grounded in nurturing curiosity, fostering friendships, and celebrating achievements. With a remarkable academic background and leadership roles, she is poised to inspire her students and staff alike, ensuring a year filled with accomplishments, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories. Here’s to a successful and enriching school year ahead under the leadership of Principal Catherine Seabrookes-Wilkinson.

Catherine Seabrookes-Wilkinson is an exceptional individual who has achieved academic excellence and demonstrated outstanding leadership throughout her educational journey. Graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Education in under two years, her commitment to her studies is evident. Notably, she has held prestigious positions as President of Sigma Tau Delta, President of the St. Kitts Nevis Student Association, and has been associated with esteemed organizations like Delta, Golden Key, and Phi Lambada Theta. These leadership roles and affiliations underscore her dedication to personal and academic growth, making her a role model and source of inspiration for others pursuing excellence in education and leadership.

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