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By Ezekial Douglas
The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is in good hands and the Team Unity government has been a true blessing to the people. Everyone will agree that in many, many ways the people are better off today than under Dr. Denzil Douglas in 2014. The political atmosphere is more civil because the source of the confusion and venomous declarationsand actions is no longer Prime Minister and will not be Prime Minister again. The deception and brazen lies to mislead an unsuspecting population was his hallmark, practised masterfully and routinely until even his own trusted crew got tired of his constant toxicity.
From 2015 to present we have seen a miraculous transformation in the quality of governance. We are witnesses now to a prime ministership and team leadership that places the utmost importance and priority on the people. The well-being of the people is the underlining principle of Team Unity and the art of governing is based on the motto of our small nation, ‘country above self’. However, most importantly, there is an acknowledgement in words and deeds, that we are totally reliant of our creator, and heavenly Father, Almighty God.The presence of the Prime Minister at church services throughout St. Kitts is a testimony that he has not turn away from the foundational Christian principles taught to him by his dear grandmother. Former Premier and Senior Minister who is also Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs is an example for all to emulate as Mr Amory, with his wife, worships frequently with the people of both islands and lovesbeing in church to give thanks and praise to our Sovereign God, Jehovah.
Proverbs 2, verse 6 says ‘For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding’. We have been fortunate that our Prime Minister and leader leans on the Lord God Almighty for knowledge and understanding. What we have accomplished as a nation since January 2015 was at the mercy of God guiding the attentive and receptive ears, mind, heart and spirit of a humble but strong leader. We need to continue to pray for Dr Harris that he will continue to serve his creator and to be guided by the Holy Spirit. We have been witnesses to the stark differences in leadership. We were witnesses to chaos on our doorsteps and on the edge of political violence and war when the oversized ego, and mad dictatorial lust of Denzil Douglas compelled him to refuse to concede the last general elections, forcing the spineless supervisor of elections to commit an evil and wicked act on the people of our country. His foolish and blind devotion to Dr Douglas, rather than to countrymen, and God, has left him abandoned, forsaken by his leader and party, to be at the mercy of the High Court.
But as Dr Harris would say, ‘To Godbe the Glory’ for the Lord God intervened and saved our nation from further chaos, destruction and disintegration.
We were witnesses when in 2015 Team Unity inherited national debt, high crime rate, fearful communities, wanton wastage of public funds, crumbling infrastructure, and distrust in the Prime Minister and his government by locals and many foreign governments. We were witnesses when corruption was the order of the day, poverty was rampant, the groaning, moaning and pleading cries of our people were deafening buttheir agony and hurt were simply ignored by an uncaring, callous,cold, stony heart.
‘To God be the Glory’, the water supply is safe, electricity is reliable, people’s roofs have been repaired, the mentally sick is not on the streets but their families can take them to a top-class facility to get professional help. Taxes have not been increased, instead taxes have been removed from essential items. A brand new state of the art Basseterre High School is on the way despite the dirty, deliberate, foolish blabbering and actions of blind Denzil Douglas supporters. They want to deny science, and to make up their own non-scientific, baseless theory that sewage contamination is coming to the edge of an aquifer already occupied by Ponds Pasture, mechanic shops, businesses, residences, another school in Tucker Clarke Primary, and the C. A. Paul Southwell Industrial Site,and many more structures used for human activity.
When people are desperate to gain power, they will commit any evil act, say virtually anything and everything, embrace any form of wickedness, if they can just get to fool the people. We were already witnesses to this kind of behaviour, and as a people, we are not going back there. Douglas’ Labour party is still dwelling in his past darkness and cold-heartedness, while TEAM UNITY under Dr Harris, with the guidance of Almighty God, has transformed our nation with love, caring and people-centred projects and programmes.
New ferry terminal, new east side bus terminal, re-surfacing of the entire island main road in St. Kitts, upgrade to Alexander Hospital, world class athletic track in Nevis, revenue sharing of CBI funds, assistance to low income households under the Poverty Alleviation Program, reduced crime rate and murders and still decreasing, anti-gang intervention in all government schools in the Federation in a special program with Dr Chitan, Old Road Bay Renovation, and the list is endless. Universal Health Care is coming, and our people will get more love from TEAM UNITY in the form of insurance and care for their health and well-being.
We do not want to return to chaos, we do not want to return to lies, we donot wantconcoctions, allegations and falsehoods. We do not want disorder and national shame in Parliament again, we do not want a rude, crude, ruthless leader. We want peace, we wantmurders and crime to continue to decrease. We want safe communities, we want truthfulness. Please leave us alone. Please go away Dr Douglas, take your brand of recklessness with you. Leave us to enjoy our country, its goodnessand transformation. We were witnesses to your style and reign, and we were sufferers. Please leave us alone. WE HAVE TEAM UNITY and WE WILL NOT CHANGE, NOTAT THIS TIME.
To God Be the Glory!
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