Victory for the People as St.Lucia Labour Party Government Retracts Amendments to Public Finance Management Bill

The SLP Government’s hurried last minute retraction of the proposed amendments to the Public Finance Bill and the failure to circulate the new Bill in a timely fashion to the Opposition shows a Government that is completely confused and continues to put politics before people.

The Office of the Leader of the Opposition noted via a press release last week that the proposed amendments to the Public Finance Bill, which was passed in November 2020 by the UWP administration, would have compromised Saint Lucia’s public trust and good governance. These proposed amendments were shared with Members of the House of Assembly late last week and would have presented issues of accountability for public spending.

On the morning of Parliament on Tuesday February 1st, 2022, it appears the Government quickly removed the proposed amendments without informing the


“The fact that the amendments proposed last week were removed on the morning of the Parliament sitting at the last minute, is a victory for the people. Like I said we are only two in Parliament but we will ensure that our presence is felt by bringing the issues to the people and that is what we did with the Public Finance Bill amendments,” stated Leader of the Opposition Honourable Allen Chastanet. “We will continue to be the watchdogs when it comes to such issues, even though they will try as much as possible to play games such as not informing us that a new Bill was circulated on the morning of Parliament. It is obvious our press release caused the Government to change course and we are pleased. We protected the best interests of the people.”

The Leader of the Opposition said he remains concerned about the manner in which the Amended Bill was circulated and the fact that the Opposition was not informed.

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