Unlocking St Lucia’s Political And Economic Future

Melanius Alphonse

Melanius Alphonse

by Melanius Alphonse:-

The political, economic and security hysteria taking place in Saint Lucia requires a new and different approach: a common position that is fortified by a detailed vision and a solution-driven strategy capable of transforming the lives of citizens.
Selfish ideologies and unreasonable justification have lead to the development of a wanting state of affairs. As such, the time is ripe for change and collaboration.
Effecting positive change in the future progress of the country requires a progressive partnership or political alliance to form a nucleus that will raise the level of discourse and present a great strategy to achieve smart economic growth for residents to earn a decent livelihood and enjoy a good life, as well as to attract long term investment and growth prospects.11401107_10155687351610475_162886030094213483_n
To achieve this, changing demographics, complementary visions and the aspirations of alternative ideas must come together to create a dynamic environment where changing geopolitics and economic security is needed to place the country’s interest over the current selfish political system.
Recent examples of such alliances and their success have been demonstrated in St Kitts and Nevis, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago, which based on current analysis is poised to repeat the 2010 coalition experience.
This call to national duty is more pressing than before, to resuscitate a dead business environment that urgently requires distinctive talent, committed to and passionate about making lives better, with the achievement of smart economic growth.
With intelligent engagement and changing demographics a successful strategy is capable of identifying and attracting the best growth prospects.
At present, society needs to pursue a system conducive to promoting sustainable development; realizing the overall progress of society, in fulfilling and developing democracy.
Fortunately, Saint Lucia is strategically positioned in the region to carve out this major opportunity within a strategic blueprint that is well designed and capable of winning support for socio-economic development and mitigate current security risks.
The principal objective in all of this is the liberation of the people and the prosperity of the country, in a concerted effort for national unity and progress.
This potential is clear, along a path that must unswervingly follow the road of developing the useful fruits of civilized politics, and where all democratic parties and individuals would become partners in nation building. And this new relationship of unity and cooperation must ensure that the people are the masters of the state, rather than an elite minority being masters of people.
Such collaboration will grasp the kind of improved organization needed to engage in effective dialogue, with focus, vision and commitment to the development of a grand strategy that is exponentially measurable to progress.
Constructive political dialogue should cover all aspects of mutual interest in terms of domestic and/or international issues.
It should prepare the way for new initiatives for pursuing common goals and establishing common ground in areas such as regional integration, poverty reduction and social cohesion, sustainable development, regional security and stability, conflict prevention and resolution, human rights, democracy, good governance, migration, and the fight against corruption, counter-terrorism, drugs, and small arms and light weapons.
It should also provide a basis for initiatives to be taken and support efforts to develop initiatives, including cooperation, and actions in Saint Lucia and throughout the Caribbean region.
Further, political cooperation should focus on the promotion of political and social stability through democracy, respect for human rights and good governance; deepening of the process of regional integration among the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) contributing to higher economic growth and gradual improvement of quality of life for the people of Saint Lucia; poverty reduction and promotion of more equitable access to social services and the rewards of economic growth, ensuring an appropriate balance between economic, social and environmental components in a sustainable development context.
Such political cooperation should take account of cross-cutting aspects relating to economic and social development, including issues such as gender, natural disaster prevention and response, environmental conservation and protection, biodiversity, cultural diversity, research and technological development. Regional integration should also be considered as a cross-cutting theme and in that regard cooperation actions at national level should be compatible with the process of regional integration.
This cooperation would be implemented by means of technical and financial assistance, studies, training, exchanges of information and expertise, meetings, seminars, research projects or any other means agreed in the context of the area of cooperation, the objectives pursued and the means available.
With unselfish collaboration of progressive minds with an understanding of the global business community, geopolitical issues, leadership and executive experience that uphold progressive values, the trajectory to connect Saint Lucia with achievable opportunities ahead is there to be grasped.
It’s actually that easy to achieve a lasting reward and transcend an era with purpose and the right narrative in history.
However, the old and tired players in our political, social and economic development cannot be given legitimacy as the way forward for our country. We need a massive shake up that aims to inject new ideas and new direction for Saint Lucia.
The experience of St Kitts, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are all encouraging approaches. However, it can’t be done for political expedience or with politicians and other players that are untrustworthy or filled with ulterior motives.
Placing our country first and above our personal ambitions for political power and control is what the people of Saint Lucia are clamoring for at this time.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Melanius Alphonse is a management and development consultant. He is an advocate for community development, social justice, economic freedom and equality; the Lucian People’s Movement (LPM) critic on youth initiative, infrastructure, economic and business development. He can be reached at

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