“Triumph Over Trials: Clivette Nias Defies Odds to Graduate UWI with Honors in Marketing!”

In a tale of unwavering determination, Clivette S. Nias has emerged victorious, celebrating the conferral of her BSc. Management Studies (Marketing) Hons. from the prestigious University of the West Indies (UWI). Her journey, marked by highs and lows, exemplifies the triumph of perseverance.

In 2015, Clivette faced an unexpected twist when she discovered she was pregnant shortly after joining UWI. Battling the challenges of pregnancy and the financial strain that ensued, she initially had to put her academic dreams on hold. However, her indomitable spirit refused to be subdued.

Returning to UWI in 2019, Clivette encountered setbacks in her first semester, grappling with the demands of math courses. Undeterred, she adjusted her approach, demonstrating resilience by completing subsequent terms with remarkable success. Her mantra, “UWI ain’t going stress me,” became a rallying cry, a testament to her unyielding determination.

Against the odds, Clivette not only reclaimed her academic standing but excelled, earning an A+ and an A- in the very courses that initially challenged her. Her inspiring journey culminated in her inclusion on UWI’s Honor Roll for multiple semesters.

Today, Clivette stands as a beacon of success, holding not just a degree but embodying the spirit of triumph over adversity. Her story is a powerful reminder that, in the face of challenges, perseverance and resilience can lead to the realization of dreams. Clivette Nias is not just a graduate; she is a testament to the unstoppable force of determination.

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