Tragic End for Trinidad Woman: Reconciliation Turns Fatal

### In a heart-wrenching incident out of Trinidad, Shameia Went, 22, was found dead after reconciling with a narcissistic ex-lover from whom she had previously sought refuge. Her body was dropped off at San Fernando General Hospital, bruised and bearing marks indicative of a brutal beating, which police believe led to her death. The suspect is now on the run.

### A Desperate Escape Ends Tragically

Went had recently been placed in a safe house to escape her abusive relationship. However, on Friday, she chose to reconcile with her ex-lover, a decision that ultimately led to her untimely death. Speaking to Guardian Media, Went’s mother, Sharon, recounted the harrowing journey her daughter had endured.“She hid that relationship from us for three months, and when we found out, she moved out of the house and went to live with him in La Romain,” Sharon said. Despite the initial love and ambition Went had, her relationship quickly turned violent. “Within two months of living with him, the abuse started. She would call for help, and when we went with the police, she would tell them the matter was sorted out. She wouldn’t want to press charges, and the police said she was an adult and they couldn’t do anything.”

### The Cycle of AbuseSharon detailed the escalating violence, noting that her daughter was eventually evicted due to the disturbances caused by the abuse. Even after moving to a new address, the violence continued. “She was very afraid of him. She came home on several occasions, and we always tried to support her and show her love, but she always went back to him,” Sharon said.The physical toll on Went was severe. “Once, she had a broken finger and had surgery on it twice. She had scars on her neck and bite marks on her back,” Sharon recalled.

### A Mother’s Heartbreak

Three weeks ago, Went had returned home, only to be forcefully taken back by her ex-lover. Despite her mother’s pleas and efforts to keep her safe, Went decided to leave the safe house. “Between Friday night and Saturday morning, she left. I spoke to her on Friday night before she left and told her to don’t go anywhere. Nobody is supposed to know where you are. You are in hiding and in a safe place,” Sharon said. Tragically, Went responded, “It’s my choice,” before her final departure.

### A Call for Justice

The police are now searching for the suspect as Went’s family mourns the loss of their beloved Shameia. This tragic story underscores the urgent need for effective interventions and support systems for victims of domestic abuse, ensuring they are truly protected from their abusers.

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