Tobago Man buggers boy, 15, in ‘wrestling’ match

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Of­fi­cers at­tached to the To­ba­go-arm of the Child Pro­tec­tion Unit (CPU) of the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice are clos­ing in on a man ac­cused of bug­ger­ing a 15-year-old stu­dent.

Po­lice say the in­ci­dent oc­curred at the home of the teenag­er on Mon­day.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, the stu­dent, who lives with his moth­er, was home alone around 7 pm when a man known to the fam­i­ly vis­it­ed them.

The re­port said the man be­gan play­ing a wrestling game he nor­mal­ly plays with the young­ster. How­ev­er, the man al­leged­ly pinned the young­ster on his stom­ach dur­ing the play fight and bug­gered him.

The boy’s moth­er told T&T Guardian she was dev­as­tat­ed fol­low­ing the in­ci­dent.

“I went to get din­ner for my chil­dren and I left my son iron­ing his school clothes. I know the man very well, as we all grew up to­geth­er and he is ac­cus­tomed to vis­it­ing us and keep­ing my son com­pa­ny,” she cried.

“Words can’t de­scribe what’s it’s like to come home and meet your son cov­ered in blood and cry­ing. How do we move for­ward know­ing the per­son who did this is a fam­i­ly friend?”

She said af­ter learn­ing of the at­tack she im­me­di­ate­ly took her son to the po­lice sta­tion where she made a re­port. She said the of­fi­cers sent her to the Scar­bor­ough Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal for her son to be ex­am­ined.

Act­ing Se­nior Su­per­in­ten­dent Jef­frey George told Guardian Me­dia that WPC Pro­cope-May­ers is con­duct­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to the mat­ter.

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