St.Kitts-Nevis Represented at 46th Caribbean Development Bank Board Of Governors Meeting in Montego Bay

St.Kitts-Nevis is well represented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors currently being hosted in Montego Bay, Jamaica from May 18-19.
The St.Kitts-Nevis contingent comprises Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Minister Osbert Desouza and Calvin Edwards of the Ministry of Finance. Also in Jamaica for the conference are Chairman of the St.Kitts-Nevis Development Bank’S Board of Directors, Mr Warren Thompson and Director on the Board of the St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank Mr.Wallis Wilkin.
The meeting, themed “Economic Growth for Transformation and Poverty Reduction” is being held at the Montego Bay Convention Centre.

(l-r) Warren Thompson, Osbert Desouza, Calvin Edwards and Wallis Wilkin
Mr Desouza attended meeting in his capacity as temporary alternate governor for St.Kitts-Nevis and Mr Edwards as Temporary Alternate Direcctor to the CDB.
Nevisian Daniel Arthurton Adviser at ECSRC – Eastern Caribbean Central Bank was also at the 46th Annual Conference and was a panelist in a discussion on ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development in the Caribbean: Towards a New Frontier,’ The panel discussion sought to provide practical policy recommendations for MSME expansion and development. Other Panellists were Milverton Reynolds, Managing Director, Development Bank of Jamaica; Daniel Arthurton, Adviser, Eastern Caribbean Securities Regulatory Commission (ECSRC), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB); and Dr. Arnold McIntyre, Deputy Division Chief, Caribbean Division I, Western Hemisphere Department, International Monetary Fund.

ESCRC Advisor at the ECCB Nevisian Daniel Arthurton and Kittitian Melvin Edards of the Caribbean Union of Credit Unions along with Wallis Wilkin Director at the SKNANB, Calvin Edwards, Ministry of Finance, Warren Thompson of the SKN Development Bank Board Chairman and Permanent Secretary Osbert Desouza
At the meeting, representatives of the various Caribbean countries have been discussing the importance of restructuring regional economies to ensure sustained economic growth.
Before the two meeting days of the conference, various committees of the board held a series of meeting between May 15-17 . The committees that met included the Oversight and Assurance Committee, the Human Resources Committee and the Procedures Committee.
The Conference ends on Friday May 21st.
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