St.Kitts-Nevis Mourns Death of Popular Entertainer

Calypso Reggie

Calypso Reggie

The Federation of St.Kitts-Nevis is in deep mourning on this their National Heroes Day as news has circulated that well known popular entertainer and personality Reginald “Calypso Reggie” Thomas has died.
The sad news was confirmed by his family. The Calypsonian, Radio Personality, MC Extraodinaire was a very colorful character and lived his life to the fullest. According to one popular Social Media Blogger Everton Elliott  “One thing I can say while he(Calypso Reggie) was alive he lived !”

Calypso Reggie burst on the cultural and social landscape of the federation back in the mid 70’s as a junior Calypso Performer with the then Hot Shots Calypso tent which also featured other Junior performers the likes of Monarch, Lord Kut among others.

Reggie went on to win a plethora of Junior Calypso as well as Village-o-rama Calypso titles. However it was his wit and humour which became his trademark . This wit and humour formed the basis of what Reggie may have been best known for and that’s MC’ing. He has Hosted or MC’ed more shows on the federation than any other personality. He has also hosted shows throughout the region in Anguilla, the Virgin Islands and Antigua. He has also performed in the mecca of calypso Trinidad.

Thomas was also a very passionate patriot of St.Kitts-Nevis and as such became a very well known social commentator. He was fearless in his defense of his country and in highlighting the ills of the society with a hope that his voice will help to eliminate them . And in many cases he did just that.

Details regarding the cause of death have not been released. Calypso Reggie will be sorely missed.

2 Comments on St.Kitts-Nevis Mourns Death of Popular Entertainer

  1. St. Kitts has lost a very talented calypsonian, quick witted stand up comedian, and
    an extraordinary M.C. Gone too soon. He will be sadly missed. RIP

  2. Calypso tents will not be the same in St. Kitts without calypso Reggie to entertain us

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