St.Kitts-Nevis Governor-General Sir Tapley Seaton Joins Queen at Birthday Celebrations
His Excellency the Governor-General Sir Tapley Seaton is presently in London, England, at the invitation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second to attend official celebrations to mark Her Majesty’s 90th birthday.
Sir Seaton Joined 14 other Governors-General from throughout the world for a special Church Service at the Paul’s Cathedral which was followed by a private luncheon for at Buckingham Palace Today 10th June and Trooping the Colour tomorrow on 11th June, 2016.
The Church service was attended by many Royal Family members, including the Duke of Edinburgh – on his own 95th birthday.
At the service, which was attended by more than 2,000 people, British Prime Minister David Cameron read a passage from the Bible.
The Service begins three days of events to mark the Queen’s official birthday celebrations.
The Queen has two birthdays – her real birthday on 21 April, and her official birthday held on a Saturday in June – in a tradition going back 250 years. It was introduced to try to ensure better weather for the monarch’s official celebrations.
After being temporarily delayed by traffic, the Queen arrived at St Paul’s Cathedral dressed in yellow to cheers from the gathered crowds, and a fanfare of trumpets.
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