St. Kitts and Nevis Stands Firm at the United Nations: Her Excellency Mutryce Williams Urges Immediate End to U.S. Embargo on Cuba”

In a powerful address at the United Nations General Assembly, Her Excellency Mutryce Williams, Permanent Representative of St. Kitts and Nevis, championed the call for the end of the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba, aligning her country’s stance with regional and global partners. Leading a delegation from St. Kitts and Nevis, Ambassador Williams emphasized the profound impact of the decades-old embargo on Cuba’s economic development and the wellbeing of its people, spotlighting the embargo as a violation of international law and a stark contradiction to the United Nations Charter.
“For more than six decades, this outdated embargo has been the biggest impediment to Cuba’s normal economic growth and development,” Ambassador Williams declared. “It continues to impair the country’s ability to meet sustainable development goals and exacerbates global challenges that burden the Cuban nation.”
Her Excellency’s statement was part of a powerful chorus from nations across the globe, echoing sentiments from CARICOM, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), and the Group of 77 and China, all of whom strongly oppose the embargo. Ambassador Williams extended gratitude to the UN Secretary General for his report documenting the economic damage Cuba faces due to the embargo, with recent losses amounting to nearly $5 billion—an economic blow equal to nearly 20% of Cuba’s GDP and over half of its export revenues.
Highlighting the close ties between St. Kitts and Nevis and Cuba, Ambassador Williams praised Cuba’s contributions to healthcare and education in St. Kitts and Nevis, notably through scholarships and medical brigades that bolster the federation’s health services. She pointed to these acts of solidarity as evidence of Cuba’s steadfast friendship and called on Washington to reevaluate its stance.
Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s U.N. Speech Resonates
Ambassador Williams underscored Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s own passionate remarks made at the UN just weeks prior, describing the embargo as “illegal” and “a stain on our collective consciences.” She invoked his words to support her call for a policy shift, advocating for collaboration and mutual learning rather than isolation and punishment.
The address concluded with a strong message of solidarity: “Saint Kitts and Nevis reaffirms its unwavering support for Cuba and strongly condemns the embargo. We will continue to stand by Cuba and vote for this resolution until the day this unfair embargo is repealed.”
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