ST.KITTS AGRICULTURE NEEDS HELP !! Advisor Duncan Wattley Urges Minister Duggins and PM Drew Administration to Prioritize Farmers and Fishers

In a heartfelt plea directed at Minister Samal Duggins and the PM Drew administration, Special Advisor Duncan “Big Lice” Wattley emphasized the urgent need for assistance to the farmers and fishers of St. Kitts and Nevis. Criticizing Minister Duggins’ approach as lacking effectiveness and alienating stakeholders, Wattley urged for a more interactive and compassionate approach towards addressing the sector’s challenges.

Speaking on a podcast, Wattley highlighted the essential role of farmers and fishers in sustaining the nation, emphasizing the need to listen to their concerns and provide the necessary support. He underscored the importance of recognizing their contribution to the country’s cultural heritage and ensuring they receive adequate assistance from government institutions.

Wattley passionately called for seed funds and financial assistance to empower farmers and fishers to expand their operations and enhance productivity. He emphasized the need for dialogue and understanding rather than a rigid “big stick” mentality, urging Minister Duggins to engage directly with stakeholders to identify solutions to their pressing needs.

Furthermore, Wattley stressed the importance of supporting innovative farming initiatives and providing essential resources such as boats and equipment to fisherfolk. He urged the government to prioritize the well-being of these essential workers and allocate sufficient funds to address their needs effectively.

In conclusion, Wattley’s impassioned plea serves as a reminder of the critical role farmers and fishers play in sustaining the nation’s food security and economic stability. He called upon Minister Duggins and the PM Drew administration to take immediate action to address the challenges facing these vital sectors and ensure their long-term viability.

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