US Based Blogger and Former Diaspora Advisor to UN Ambassador at Permanent Mission of St. Kitts and Nevis to the United Nations Coreentje Phipps-Benjamin in a 2020 quote said
“Women continue to blaze the trail, reaping much benefit for their respective communities and ultimately for our beautiful nation, St. Kitts and Nevis.
Who says women can’t?
Surely, women can!!!!”
Indeed women can and it’s that fact that inspires us to continue to recognize our women and their powerful , impact and influence in building and shaping our country for the better
In recognition of International Women’s Day on Wednesday March 8th the SKN Times has again compiled and selected St.Kitts-Nevis’ 50 most powerful and influential women. This is the 13th edition of this list. This year we have made a concerted effort not to include persons already recognized in previous lists. For example the Hon. Marsha Henderson has been making the list consistently for the past several years. As well as Akilah Byron-Nisbett, Hazel Brandy-Williams to name a few. We decided not to include those who have already graced the lists several time before. So the list thsis year feature all newcomers. The listing isn’t about just popularity; it’s also about influence and power. Power usually equates to influence thus some persons listed may not be popular names but are influential because of their professional or career positions and network.
There are politicians, bankers, entertainment personalities, radio announcers, business executives, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, cultural icons and more.
Some are famous, some you may never have heard of. But their power and influence has in some way directly or indirectly, shaped the lives of many .
Many of the women on the list are groundbreakers in their respective field. These are the Kittitian and Nevisian women history will remember. More importantly, they’re the women who inspire the rest of us to become better people.

- Isalean Phillip- Junior Minister of Youth Empowerment, Social Development, Gender Affairs, Aging and Disabilities.
- Naehmah Hazelle- Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister
- Jadee Caines-NRP Candidate and Marketing Professional
- Janice Daniel-Hodge- Leader of the Opposition in the Nevis Island Assembly
- Nuricer Archibald- Chairperson of the SKELEC Board and Senior Loans Officer at SKNANB
- Carol Boddie- Chariperson of the SKNANB Board of Directors
- Evangelist Corliss Toby- Evangelist
- Sharon Archibald-PS in the Ministry of Health
- Lanien Blanchette -Speaker of the National Assembly
- Janet Harris- Chairperson of the Social Security Board
- Roberitine Webbe- Director of the Creative Economy
- Joylette Woodley-Fassale Dr – Medical Doctor and President St Kitts Nevis Medical and Dental Association
- Michelina Charles-Hazelle-Educator and Social Activist
- JOYELLE CLARKE- Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Climate Action and Constituency Empowerment
- Marcia Jeffers- Dance Specialist
- Tricia Greaux- Marine Biologist
- Unoma Allen-Entrepreneur and Media Personality
- Yaryni Morton-Marketing Manager, the Cable
- Deslyn Hewlett- Financial Controller , Hobson Enterprises
- Treverlyn Stapelton-Clerk of the National Assembly
- Michelle Slack-President of the Nevis Island Assembly
- Carlene Phipps-Inspector of Police
- Kimone Archibald-Lake-Entreprenuer
- Nekira Nichols-Former Ms St.Kitts and Personality
- Atasha Syder-Fashion Consultant and Banker
- Kerry Williams-Tuckett- Matron of the JNF Hospital
- Lesrie Nisbett- Hanley-Fashion Designer
- Greatess Gordon-Director of Public Prosecution
- Cheryline Adolphine-Social Media Content Creator
- Dr. Bernicia Nisbett- Medical Doctor
- Nerys Chiverton-UN Ambasador
- Tivanna Wharton-PS in the Ministry of Tourism
- Tamu Petra-Browne- Founder of Innovative Education and Training Solutions and Coaching by Tamu, an online academy for Caribbean learners
- Adeola Moore-CEO SCASPA
- Jahnel Nisbett- Minister of Social Services and Gender Affairs in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA)
- Shandor Wilkenson- Official FIFA Referee
- Gloria Esdaille-Robinson-Former Calypso Monarch and Business Executive
- Kerine Simmonds- Dynamic Young Entrepreneur and Owner of new Business named Closet Raid
- Kortensia Carty-Good Morning SKN Co-Host
- Gardenia Destang-Richardson-Author/ Creator and Founder of STUDIO 327
- Winnielle Pereira-Small Business Entrepreneur
- Denise Gillard-Farmer
- Joshornia Edwards- Student Scholar
- Kenesha Rameswar- Certified Paralegal and Dance Tutor at Leapskn
- Kerrise Hanley-Marine Pilot
- Coreentje Phipps-Benjamin- Blogger/Social Media Influencer/ Former Diaspora Advisor to UN Ambassador at Permanent Mission of St. Kitts and Nevis to the United Nations
- Hazel Jeffers-Personal Aide to the Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Terrance Drew, Educator and Entrepreneur and owner of Blessed Hands Kitchen
- Karen Crossman-Dynamic and Charismatic Entrepreneur and owner of the Popular FISH Shack
- Gavincia Clarke- Social Activist and Owner of Level-Up Bar
- Jamella Francis-Staff Nurse at JNF and Former President of the St. Kitts Nurses Association

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