St Kitts And Nevis Students Graduate From Taiwan Universities

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Five students from St Kitts and Nevis, who dismissed the thoughts of Taiwan being too far away and the study period too long, were among their fellow classmates this graduation season celebrating their academic achievements.

St.Kitts-Nevis Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Shawn K Richards and Minister Foreign Affairs Hon. Mark Brtantley with SKN Students in Taiwan along with Ambassador Jasmine Huggins
The students are among hundreds granted scholarships by the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF). The Federation under the Leadership of Rt Hon Dr Sir Kennedy A Simmonds was the first to establish ties with the Taiwanese in 1983 after becoming Independent. St.Kitts-Nevis Nationals began receiving training in various disciplines in Taiwan in the 80’s and 90’s particularly in Agriculture .
The five students and their awarded degrees are:
• Ketricia Finch, Bachelor of Science in International Business and Trade from Ming Chuan University
• Miguel Flemming, Bachelor of Science in Tropical Agriculture; with a focus on Plant Science from National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
• Bevis Brookes, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Kun Shan University

Donya Francis, HE Jasmine Huggins and Ketricia Finch
• Donya L. Francis, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication from Ming Chuan University
• Kerdis Clarke, Master of Science in Counseling and Clinical Psychology from National Dong Hwa University
Clarke was highlighted for being the top student in her area of study throughout the two years she spent at her university.
Speaking about her journey, Finch said that over the four years she was able to develop herself and through working in different groups for many of her assignments she has learned how to embrace people of different cultures.
“Throughout my four-year stint at Ming Chuan University, I have been further grounded into resilience and have also learned how to embrace different cultures, particularly when group assignments were allocated,” she said, adding, “…the International Business and Trade program in my year consisted of students from all over the world, coming from more than 25 countries.”
When asked what advice they will give to others who are thinking about studying in Taiwan, the five answered collectively, “It is simple — it is an opportunity of a lifetime; seize the opportunity it’s worth it.”
The students expressed their heartfelt thanks to everyone who assisted them in seeing a phase of their lives successfully accomplished, especially the scholarship organizations, professors and families.
“We wish to extend heart-felt gratitude to both governments in St Kitts and Nevis and Taiwan, Taiwan ICDF and MOFA (Taiwan) scholarships for choosing us and for affording us the opportunity to further our studies. Their offers have not only allowed us to pursue degrees that suit our interests, but allowed us to become immersed into a culture far different from ours.”
“We cannot forget to thank our professors, classmates, the Embassy of St Kitts and Nevis in Taiwan, the Association of St Kitts and Nevis Nationals in Taiwan and most of all our families for everything they have done for us.”
The students feel that the time spent in Taiwan has prepared them well for their return to the federation, as they aim to assist in its development.
A graduation dinner party was held by the Embassy of St Kitts and Nevis in Taiwan and the country’s representative Ambassador Jasmine E. Huggins.
Huggins also attended the graduation ceremonies in support of the students and was a guest speaker at the ceremony held at the Kun Shan University.
There are presently over 45 Kittitians and Nevisians living in Taiwan.
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