Sir Everton Weekes and Kim Collins Among Eight Caribbean Legends To Be Honoured at Icons Awards in Antigua

Eight sports luminaries were honoured Saturday. From left, Maurice Hope, Franklin “King Frank-I” Francis, Sir Everton Weekes, Dr Iva Gloudon, Sports Minister EP Chet Greene, Nye Cruickshank, Attorney General Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin (representing Sir Lester Bird), Dr Cynthia Thompson, Kim Collins. (Photo by Tabari Tabor/OBSERVER media)
Cricket Legend Sir Everton Weekes and current Caribbean Sprint Icon Kim Collins were the two most notable of the 8 Sports Legends awarded at the 3rd Annual Caribbean Awards for Sports Icons (CASI) which was held in Antigua.
Weekes and Collins were honoured along with Antigua’s only World Boxing Champion Maurice Hope , Legendary Sports Journalist King Frank-I” Francis, Track Legend , National Hero and former Prime Minister Sir Lester Bird , “92-year-young” Dr Cynthia Thompson, Jamaica’s first ever female to make an Olympic 100m final (London 1948), Trinidad & Tobago’s pioneering Physical Education specialist Dr Iva Gloudon and Lastly, the youngest – and possibly most inspirational – honouree was Grenada’s Parasport swimmer Nye Cruickshank.
The 13-year-old starlet has overcome cancer and losing one of her legs to bring pride to her country through sport.
All eight, in their own way, have contributed greatly to the Caribbean sports arena, an arena that sports minister EP Chet Greene identified on the night as the region’s single most significant area of contribution to the global village.
CASI was started by veteran Jamaican sports journalist, Al Hamilton.
The first two events saw awards handed out to Sir Vivian Richards, Bolt, Mychal Thompson, a former NBA champion from the Bahamas.
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