Today Friday September 3, 2021 the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs
confirms a total of 345 new cases of COVID-19. These cases were processed on Thursday
September 2 , 2021 at the Ezra Long Laboratory from a batch of 892 samples. These new
cases bring the total number of cases diag nosed in country to date to 8887.
The Mini stry of Health also reports eight new COVID-19 deaths. To date, the total number of COVID-19 deaths in country is 84 and the total number of COVID-19 related deaths is
32 . COVID-19 death #77 is a 64 year old female from the Gros-Islet district. COVID-19
death #78 is a 46 year old female from the Gros-Islet district. COVID-19 death #79 is a 48
year old female from the Gros-Islet district. COVID-19 death #80 is a 56 year old female
from the Babonneau district. COVID-19 death #81 is a 51 year old male from the Gros-Islet district. COVID-19 death #82 is a 34 year old male from the Castries district. COVID-19
death #83 is a 72 year old male from the Soufriere district. COVID-19 death #84 is a 93 year old male from the Castries district. The Ministry of Health extends sympathy to the families,
friends and loved ones of all of these individuals.
Confirmation was also received of the recovery of 78 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19
bringing the number of active cases in country to date to 2312. One of these active cases is currently critical and thirteen of them are severely ill at the Respiratory Hospital.
AdministrationEnvironmental HealthBureau of Health EducationAccountsCommunity Nursing ServicePharmacy
Health PlanningEpidemiologyAIDS/HIV/STDMedical CareMaternal and Child Health*Dental Tel: (758)468- 5303/5304 ~ Fax: (758)452 5655 ~E-mail:
To date, a total of 34, 926 individuals have received the first dose of the Astra Zeneca
COVID -19 vaccine and 27, 986 have received the second dose. For the Pfizer COVID-19
vaccine 3, 627 individuals have received the first dose and 72 individuals have received the secon d dose. Tomorrow Saturday, September 4, 2021 the vaccine will be given at the Vigie
Sports Complex and the Vieux -Fort Wellness Center Grounds from 9am to 2pm.
The Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue providing daily updates to the public as
new information becomes available.
For more information please contact the Office of the Chief Medical Offic er or the
Epidemiology Unit, at 468-5309/468-5317 respectively
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