PAM National Chairman Azard Gumbs Extends Warm Back-to-School Greetings to Constituency Four Students

****Attorney Azard Gumbs, the esteemed National Chairman of the People’s Action Movement (PAM) and dedicated Party Representative for Constituency #4, delivers a heartfelt back-to-school message to the students of Constituency Four.The PAM Constituency Four Group takes immense pride in celebrating the hard work and dedication of principals, teachers, students, and staff across various educational institutions within the area. The continuous excellence in both academics and sports is a testament to the unwavering spirit of the community.In a show of support for families gearing up for the new term, the Constituency Four Group organized a successful “Back to School Drive,” providing essential school supplies to primary school students. This initiative underscores the belief that there are no limits to what can be achieved with determination and support.As the academic year unfolds, Chairman Azard Gumbs and the PAM Constituency Four Group eagerly anticipate a year filled with even greater accomplishments. Together, let’s embrace the limitless possibilities that education brings!*1*

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