VIDEO: Nevis Premier Vance Amory Participates in World Bank-IMF Ninth Resilience Dialogue in Washington, DC

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Author and former CNN Correspondent Kathleen Koch, moderated a panel discussion in Washington , DC of the Ninth Round of the Resilience Dialogue series hosted by  the World Bank/GFDRR, the Government of Japan, the European Commission and USAID as part of the World Bank Group/IMF Spring Meetings.

Nevis Premier Vance Amory was among distinguished panelists at the forum which included  Mahbub Ahmed, Senior Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh, Kiyoshi Kodera, Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Rachel Kyte, Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change, World Bank Group, Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission.

The World Bank/GFDRR, the Government of Japan, the European Commission and USAID are hosting the ninth round of the Resilience Dialogue series as part of the World Bank Group/IMF Spring Meetings. With the new Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in place to guide resilience efforts going forward, there now becomes a  need to explore options to secure financing of the priorities and targets set by the new framework. This is particularly important they head into the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa this summer, to ensure the theme of resilience is integrated in those discussions. This will also help in continuing the conversation on resilience in the context of other key international discussions in 2015-2016, including the Sustainable Development Goals, the climate change negotiations, and the World Humanitarian Summit.

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a global partnership, managed by the World Bank and funded by 25 donor partners, to help high-risk, low-capacity developing countries better understand and reduce their vulnerabilities to natural hazards and adapt to climate change in the spirit of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). Working with over 400 local, national, regional, and international partners, GFDRR provides grant financing and technical assistance to help mainstream disaster and climate risk management policies into country-level strategies. It also serves as a global platform for knowledge-sharing and capacity building for disaster and climate resilience.


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