Musical Ambassadorial Trip Pilot Project for Musical Entertainers Initiated

Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, July 12, 2023 (Press Secretary, PMO)- The Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis, through the Ministry of Creative Economy, launched its first ever Musical Ambassadorial Trip Pilot Project for Musical Entertainers to Jamaica, to bring well-deserved recognition to the talent and creativity of local artistes in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Ambassador Kervin Benjamin, widely known as “Infamus”, heads this initiative in his role as the Project Advocate and Ambassador to the Ministry of Creative Economy and Sports. Ambassador Benjamin brings his exceptional talent as a popular recording artist from Cayon in Saint Kitts.
“I am deeply passionate about music, and I am dedicated to promoting and uplifting my fellow entertainment professionals here in Saint Kitts and Nevis. My position as Ambassador allows me to advocate for the recognition, rights, and opportunities of my musically talented colleagues, fostering partnerships and nurturing creativity within the industry”, stated Ambassador Kervin “Infamus” Benjamin.
Pilot Project is in keeping with the 2022 election campaign pledge made by the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Administration to unlock the Orange Economy within the Federation so that creativity, the arts, and culture can be pursued as careers and productive endeavours.
Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew reiterated his continued support and vision to see the Orange Economy grow.
“The Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis is committed to establishing regional and worldwide networks that support the growth and development opportunities of our local artists.”, said Prime Minister Drew.
Currently the team of five (5) creative professionals spearheading the Project is in Jamaica engaging with industry professionals there, Mr. Kervin “Infamus” Benjamin, Project Advocate and Ambassador to the Ministry of Creative Economy and Sports; Ms. Alicia V. Wattley, Project Advocate/Manager and Creative Director; Mr. Nigel “TruCapo” Lewis, Content Engineer, and Media Documenter for the Project; Mr. Krami “Imark” O’Loughlin and Mr. Dejour Alexander, both local artistes.
Ms. Alicia Wattley has over twenty (20) years of experience in various artistic disciplines, including dancing, acting, singing, choreography, modeling, talent management, screenwriting, directing, and executive producing. Her dedication to the arts is evident throughout her remarkable journey. Ms. Wattley’s passion for the arts has been nurtured from an early age. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Management Studies from The Humber College Institute of Technology in Toronto, Canada which further enhances her understanding of the entertainment field. Ms. Wattley is widely recognized for her tireless advocacy for the industry and its practitioners. She constantly proposes new ideas, projects, collaborations, and changes to drive the entertainment field forward.
Mr. Nigel “Trucapo” Lewis is an Award-Winning Filmmaker who embarked on his filmmaking career in 2009 as a Director for music videos, commercials, and documentaries in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Mr. Lewis quickly gained a reputation as a coveted Director and visionary for local video projects on the islands. He has produced over 50 music videos for local musicians such as Infamus, Nicha B, and Dejour, among many others. Trucapo’s directorial debut in the feature film “A Rose Between Thorns” gained international recognition and won several awards at esteemed film festivals. His storytelling prowess reflects his passion for his country and his craft, capturing the unique cultural experiences of Kittitians and Nevisians. Nigel’s achievements also include securing a Distribution Deal with Novus Distribution LA, encompassing Xfinity Cable company, BET, and HBO. Furthermore, he signed a three-motion picture deal with Dende Media, with the films to be produced by Agustin Fernandez, a nine-time Emmy Award winner and the executive producer of the Oscar-winning documentary, “The Lady In Number 6.”
Mr. Krami “Imark” O’Loughlin, an exceptionally gifted recording artist born and raised in Cayon, Saint Kitts, contributes his talent and artistic vision to the project. Imark’s love for music was nurtured by the captivating sounds that surrounded him. With an impressive career spanning several years, his music transcends genres and captivates audiences with its authenticity.
Mr. Dejour Alexander, a young and dynamic talent from Saint Kitts, also adds his unique artistic vision to the project. Drawing inspiration from soul, R&B, and hip-hop influences, Dejour’s remarkable journey in music has been shaped by his exceptional talent and infectious energy.
Together, Mr. Kervin Benjamin, Ms. Alicia V. Wattley, Mr. Nigel “TruCapo” Lewis, Mr. Krami “Imark” O’Loughlin, and Mr. Dejour Alexander form a talented and dedicated team that brings their collective expertise and passion to the Musical Ambassadorial Trip Pilot Project for Musical Entertainers. Their collaboration promises to pave the way for future projects and contribute to the growth and development of the Creative Economy in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
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