Minister Konris Maynard’s Brief Photo Op Draws Attention Amidst Cleanup Effort in Buckley’s Estate

Once again, Minister Hon. Konris Maynard finds himself at the center of attention as he partook in what some are dubbing as yet another photo opportunity. This time, the Minister spent a fleeting few minutes with members of the Parks and Beaches crew, lending a hand in cleaning an area within Buckley’s Estate.

Capturing the moment for social media, Minister Maynard’s cameo appearance alongside the cleanup crew lasted less than five minutes, just enough time for a series of snapshots to be taken.

In his statement following the photo op, Minister Maynard expressed gratitude towards the Parks and Beaches team for their swift response to his call for action in cleaning the abandoned property. He emphasized the importance of Earth Day, echoing the theme “Planet vs Plastic,” and reiterated the commitment to environmental preservation.

While some applaud the Minister’s efforts, others question the sincerity of his involvement, labeling it as mere publicity. Nonetheless, Minister Maynard extended appreciation to Hon. Dr. Joyelle Clarke, Minister of the Environment, for her leadership in advocating for a cleaner and healthier environment for all.

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