Government of Saint Lucia Delivers on Promises: XCD 600 Paid to Government Pensioners

Castries, Saint Lucia- The Government of Saint Lucia, led by Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, is pleased to announce another significant achievement in its journey of delivering promises to the people. Today, the government unveils a new chapter of support for its citizens. A cohort of 3105 government pensioners will receive another one-time payment of six hundred dollars, in addition to their regular monthly pensions. This initiative injects approximately $1.863 million collectively into the pockets of pensioners, providing tangible relief to those who have contributed significantly to the nation.

That is not the first instance where government pensioners have seen positive outcomes. In the 2021/2022 budget speech, Prime Minister Pierre pledged a one-time payment of five hundred dollars for government pensioners, a commitment faithfully fulfilled in October 2022. This initiative provided $1.5 million in direct financial relief to retirees.  The two one -time payments to government pensioners bring the total relief to approximately $3.2 million dollars. This is noteworthy as it signifies ongoing support for this crucial group.

Additionally, the government has initiated discussions on increasing monthly pensions for eligible Saint Lucian citizens. This proactive step follows a 4.2% increase granted to all pensioners under the National Insurance Corporation, showcasing a commitment to the financial security and welfare of the elderly population.

Just last year, the government fulfilled a long-standing commitment, providing much-anticipated compensation to former employees of the beleaguered regional airline, LIAT (1974) and Majestic Industries workers, who had patiently awaited resolution for nearly two decades. The compensation package, surpassing XCD$6.3 million reflects the government’s commitment to the fair treatment of workers, including those who had waited far too long for acknowledgement.

Prime Minister Pierre and his cabinet of ministers stand firm in their unwavering goal of fostering a society that is not only strong and benevolent but destined for prosperity.


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