Freedom FM Issues Retraction and Apology

Freedom FM has issued an official retraction over statements made on the station by SKN Labour Party Senator and former Education Minister Hon. Nigel

Dr. Dail Crawford

Senator Nigel Carty
Carty . According to the retraction, which has been regularly aired on the station since Monday January 16th , the station published comments by Seantor Carty which suggested that the Gynecologist Dr. Crawford had been responsible for a number of child deaths.
The following is the Full Text of the retraction:
Freedom FM publicly retracts and apologize for comments made by Nigel Carty and published by it on the 22 July, 2015 during “ISSUES” of or concerning Dr. Dail Crawford to the effect that several persons would have lost their lives in child birth and immediately thereafter under Dr. Crawford’s professional care at the JNF Hospital. Freedom FM regrets any damage done to Dr. Crawford’s good name and reputation, professionally and personally as a result of the said comments and undertakes not to publish such comments in the future.
Freedom FM has faced a number of lawsuits since its launch some 6 years ago. In 2015 the Radio Station issued a similar retraction and apology for defamatory statements made by former Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas and carried on the station about former Senior Minister Dwyer Astaphan after having been sued in the High Court by Astaphan for broadcasting slanderous words against him .
The full text of the apology to former Senior Minister Astaphan was published on the radio station’s website on March 26th 2015 and stated in part “We regret any damage done to Mr. Astaphan’s good name and reputation professionally and personally and we undertake to never broadcast such comments in the future.”

Screenshot of Freedom FM Website
Freedom FM is widely regarded as one of the most popular stations in St.Kitts-Nevis catering to a largely young demographic. The station is owned by popular veteran broadcaster Clement Juni Liburd
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