Former Labour Minister and Political Activist Dwyer Astaphan Unleashes Scathing Critique on CARICOM Free Movement Policy Adjustments: Calls for Urgent Reforms!
Dwyer Astaphan Critiques Adjustments to CARICOM Free Movement Policy

Prominent former minister and political activist Attorney Dwyer Astaphan recently voiced his opinions on the recently announced adjustments to the CARICOM free movement policy. Astaphan’s commentary delves into historical contexts, socio-economic implications, and concerns about the future of small island states within the Caribbean Community.
Reflecting on the past, Astaphan drew parallels between the collapse of the West Indies Federation and sentiments expressed by leaders from larger territories regarding immigration. He highlighted the economic hardships and social difficulties faced by newly independent states, attributing some challenges to external influences and interventions.
Astaphan emphasized the need for a balanced approach to regionalism, advocating for equitable structures that safeguard the interests of smaller, vulnerable economies. He expressed concerns about the abuse of free movement protocols, citing instances of corruption, exploitation, and societal disruptions.
In his critique, Astaphan raised questions about the sustainability of small island states in the face of mounting challenges, including strained resources, infrastructure limitations, and economic disparities. He cautioned against opening floodgates to unrestricted migration, urging policymakers to prioritize the well-being and empowerment of local populations.
Astaphan’s commentary serves as a thought-provoking analysis of the complexities surrounding regional integration and migration policies in the Caribbean. As debates on free movement continue, his insights contribute to a broader dialogue on the future direction of CARICOM and its member states.
While acknowledging the importance of regional cooperation, Astaphan’s remarks underscore the need for cautious deliberation and proactive measures to address systemic issues and safeguard the interests of all stakeholders.
As discussions evolve, stakeholders within CARICOM will undoubtedly consider diverse perspectives, including those articulated by Astaphan, in shaping policies that promote sustainable development and regional solidarity.

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