Former Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Shawn Richards Reveal Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris-led Team Unity Gov’t Rejected East Coast Developments’ Brian Singh Over Lack of Experience!

EXPOSED: Team Unity Rejected East Coast Developments’ Brian Singh Over Lack of Experience!
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS – In a stunning revelation, Former Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Shawn Richards has laid bare the truth behind the rejection of Brian Singh and East Coast Developments by the former Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris led Team Unity administration. Speaking at a recent People’s Action Movement (PAM) press conference, Dr. Richards detailed how Singh’s ambitious proposals—ranging from desalination plants to large-scale housing developments—were flatly denied due to his complete lack of experience in project development and management.
Richards disclosed that Singh approached various government officials, including then-Minister of Housing, Hon. Eugene Hamilton, with lofty promises of delivering major infrastructural projects. However, after thorough due diligence, it was determined that Singh had no proven track record, leading to the dismissal of his proposals.
“I am smiling because it is interesting that I’m actually going through some WhatsApp conversations that I would have had with Mr. Singh back in 2021,” Richards remarked, before launching into a bombshell account of Singh’s repeated attempts to secure contracts. According to Richards, Singh not only pushed for housing projects but also sought approval for a desalination plant—an initiative that was met with skepticism by the Water Department’s Manager, Cromwell Williams.
“The decision after discussions with Mr. Williams was that we would prefer not to give a contract to Mr. Singh for a desalination plant,” Richards disclosed. “We requested from him references, his financial capabilities, and his experience in terms of such a project. It became evident that there were major gaps.”
Singh’s desperate messages to the then-Deputy PM paint a picture of a man scrambling to secure government deals, offering financing options that placed no initial monetary burden on the government. Yet, even with his aggressive lobbying, Team Unity refused to move forward with any of his proposals.
In one of Singh’s messages dated September 29, 2021, he pleaded for a decision: “Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, I again humbly beg your pardon for my persistency… I ask this of you, as you would sincerely agree that much time has passed since our last communication…”
Richards responded professionally but firmly, stating that Singh’s lack of experience was a major red flag. “Mr. Williams has indeed provided the information and documents. He also has expressed some concerns with your experience in this field,” Richards informed Singh.
Despite being rebuffed multiple times, Singh continued to push his agenda, attempting to force the government’s hand. “You can’t be dragging us through the mud over and over for almost a few years and nothing happening,” Singh complained in yet another message.
Richards’ revelations call into question how Singh has now emerged as a key figure in East Coast Developments under the current administration. If he was deemed unqualified by Team Unity, what has changed? Has due diligence been ignored? Have the standards of project approval been lowered?
With this explosive disclosure, the people of St. Kitts and Nevis now have serious questions for the Labour administration. What kind of deals are being made, and is the nation’s development in the hands of unproven players?
Stay tuned as this developing story unfolds!
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