Educating Our People for a Better Future 


June 4, 2024

Budget 2024/25 will accelerate Saint Lucia’s transition to a modernized and inclusive education system that caters to the needs of our students, teachers and learners. 

Schools should be safe and secure spaces for students to learn and develop into productive members of society. In the Year of Infrastructure, the government will mobilize resources to rehabilitate several public school plants throughout Saint Lucia. In the 2024/25 financial year, the government will invest $22.5 million to restore and rehabilitate 16 school plants!

Global Technological Advancements Continue to Reshape the Way We Work and Learn. 

The government is embracing these changes and continues to responsibly integrate technology with proven teaching methods to enhance the learning experience in and out of the classroom. 

Under the Hon. Philip J. Pierre-led Administration, our students are getting prepared for the future. The government’s One Laptop Per Child policy is on track to supply every secondary school student in Saint Lucia with a new laptop device. Since coming to Office in July 2021, the government has commissioned 20 smart classrooms in Saint Lucia through the Caribbean Digitization Transformation Project. 

Our Youngest Learners Will Get the Best Head Start Possible. 

Each of the 93 registered early childhood (Pre-K) schools in Saint Lucia will receive a lump sum grant of $2500 from the government to assist with purchasing school supplies for the 2024/25 academic year. 

To date, nine early childhood (Pre-K) classrooms have been upgraded and equipped with state-of-the-art amenities and technology. 

Education Should Not Be Limited to Academic Disciplines

The government continues to make significant progress in reengineering our education system to support the next generation of creatives, technicians and trade workers. 

Four secondary schools will be transformed into Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions. The Stanley Jon Odlum Secondary School will serve as an Institute of Arts, Media, and Design. The Grande Riviere Secondary School will be converted into an Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Culinary Arts, and Entrepreneurial Services. The Anse Ger Secondary School will be the Institute for Engineering and Technology, and the Piaye Secondary School will serve as the Institute of Construction and Heritage.

Education is a Fundamental Human Right. 

For too many Saint Lucians, attaining higher education is cost-prohibitive. The Pierre-led Administration has taken action to make going to university more affordable. The Government of Saint Lucia is accelerating its One University Graduate Per Household policy by guaranteeing loans for eligible students accepted to study at accredited local and overseas-based educational institutions. 

This progressive policy action is a game changer for students who do not have the surety or collateral to secure loans from traditional financial institutions. The government guarantee will ease the financial burden on low-income households and make it easier for students to secure concessionary loans from the Saint Lucia Development Bank for college and university.

Support For Our Teachers.

Teachers and educators play a crucial role in the development of our country. They are nation-builders, mentors and influencers who mould our students and learners to become productive members of our society. 

The government is strengthening the Principal Assistants Programme this year! $1.18 million will be allocated to recruit principal assistants for 31 primary schools. Another $550,000 will be used to employ eight Mathematics specialists to support 16 schools. 

In addition to the customary $800 allowance from the government, every teacher received an extra $600 last year. Hundreds of permanent and temporary teachers each received $1400 within the first month of the 2023/24 academic year. 

The Prime Minister understands the importance of equipping teachers and educators with the resources to deliver quality instruction in the classrooms to unlock the full potential of our students.


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