Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris Makes Strong Case For a Caring and Compassionate Peoples Labour Party to Govern the Affairs of St. Kitts and Nevis

PLP Press ReleaseJuly 18th, 2024Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, the third Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, has said that the people of the federation are deserving of significantly better representation than what they now have, outlining that the Peoples Labour Party (PLP), which he leads, is more suited and qualified to deliver that better, safer future the people crave.“We need no further evidence because everyday we witness it – the ‘Drewlie’ administration is really not working for us and this failed government has to go. Thankfully for you and for us, we have all experienced a caring government before this one, and you the people benefitted from remarkable deliveries by a Team Unity administration under my leadership,” said Dr. Harris at the July 17th PLP monthly press conference.Dr. Harris pointed to a number of examples of the compassionate leadership that was the hallmark of his Team Unity-led administration, ranging from the conceptualization and implementation of life-changing programs such as the Poverty Alleviation Program (PAP) and the Peace program to the provision of relief to thousands of persons who lost or had their incomes reduced as a result of Covid-19.“When our sugar workers complained that they were robbed of their severance payment – $44 million were calculated to be owed to them – they were paid $28 million by the preceding government. It was Team Unity very early in its term that secured $16 million to bring some level of equality and justice to the former sugar workers. For the first time some of them being former workers in the industry received any form of terminal benefit from the industry,” Dr. Harris explained.The former prime minister also highlighted the successful Roof Repair Program following the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria that benefitted over four thousand households in the country.Elaborating on the PAP, Dr. Harris said, “When thousands were fighting and losing battle with the cost of living, it was my government that proposed the Poverty Alleviation Program (PAP), providing every household earning less than $3,000 per month an extra $500 monthly, bringing these families closer to what we could describe as a liveable wage.”“It grieves my heart to hear the sad stories now of mothers and fathers, single women heading their households, our senior citizens, those who have now become amputees speak of the heartlessness of the Drewlie administration in removing them from the PAP. Removing them is bad enough if they deserve the assistance, and the majority of them certainly do, but they did it with such disrespect, disdain, lack of notice, lack of consultation with those who are affected that we know that this government is not considered a compassionate one,” he lamented.Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris assured that under a Peoples Labour Party-led government the people of St. Kitts and Nevis will once again enjoy a good life.“High paying jobs will be available. Money will be in circulation again. Small and medium businesses will do well again. Our young people will get financial support to start their businesses. The elderly, vulnerable and at risk will enjoy stronger and safer futures as would every other citizen and resident.”END

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