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Dr Francis Severin, Director of The University of the West Indies Open Campus Country Sites visited the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis from September 4 – 6, 2019 to officially introduce Mrs. Gaile GrayPhillip as the new Head of Country Site, St. Kitts and Nevis. Mrs Gray-Philip was appointed Head of Country Site, St. Kitts and Nevis effective September 19, 2019. She replaces Mrs Susan Owen, who was promoted to Head of Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) for the Open Campus. Dr. Severin also used the opportunity to travel to Nevis. In Nevis, Dr Severin, Mrs Gray-Phillip and Mrs Cicely Jacobs, Programme Officer, met with the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), Mr. Kevin Barrett, the Principal Education Officer Ms Zahnela Claxton, UWI Open Campus Nevis Site Coordinator Ms Isabel Byron and Nevis Site Technician Mr Dwight Wallace. In a very happy link between the past and the present – the School of Continuing Studies and the Open Campus – former Resident Tutor and Head, Mrs Olivia Edgecombe-Howell participated in the meeting. Earlier, she hosted the Director, Head of Site and Programme Officer. Dr Severin Visits Nevis L to R Kevin Barrett, Dr Francis Severin, Olivia Edgecombe-Howell, Cicely Jacobs, Zahnela Claxton, Gaile Gray-Phillip, Dwight Wallace, Isabel Byron Dr. Severin introduced the new Head to the representatives of the NIA and to the staff at the Nevis Site. He took the opportunity to thank the NIA, on behalf of the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal, for their continued robust support to The UWI Open Campus. He said that this relationship served as an excellent model of support for and collaboration between an Administration and The regional University. Courtesy Call on GG While in the Federation, Dr. Severin paid a courtesy call on the Governor-General, His Excellency Sir Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP on Thursday, 5 September 2019, to congratulate him on his recognition as one of The University of the West Indies 2019 Honorary Graduands. Dr. Severin also expressed his appreciation to the Governor-General for his continued strong support for the UWI Alumni Association and for his continued hosting and championing of the annual UWI Global Giving Week event held at Government House.
The Director’s visit follows his attendance at the official opening ceremony and launching The UWI’s Five Islands Campus in Antigua. This brings the number of UWI campuses to Five: Mona, St. Augustine, Cave Hill, Open and Five Islands.
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