Curfew Extended Amid Violent Protests Over Rising Living Costs in Martinique

The local administration of Martinique has extended curfew measures for an additional week, in response to escalating civil unrest and violent protests sparked by rising living costs on the French Caribbean island. Initially set to expire on October 14th, the curfew now runs from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. until October 21st, with residents only allowed outdoors for essential reasons, such as work or medical emergencies.

These measures, which include a ban on purchasing products that could be used for arson, are aimed at protecting people and property amidst growing tensions. The protests, fueled by frustrations over the widening gap between living standards in Martinique and mainland France, have become increasingly violent in recent weeks, with demonstrators defying the curfew and taking to the streets to demand economic relief.

Martinique, like other French overseas territories such as Guadeloupe and New Caledonia, has long been affected by protests over economic disparities and social inequality. The island’s labor unions have continued to organize protests, vowing to intensify their efforts despite the government’s restrictions.

Tensions flared further when the local government suspended last-minute negotiations with consumer rights advocates, stalling progress on a key issue—the number of essential products that would be affected by price reductions in Martinique. Despite having reached agreements on 24 of the 26 points under discussion, the unresolved matters have fueled the unions’ determination to keep the protests alive.

As the curfew extension takes effect, additional bans have been placed on the sale and transportation of fuel and fireworks, while police presence on the streets has been bolstered to ensure compliance. However, with no resolution in sight and labor unions determined to continue the demonstrations, the unrest in Martinique shows no sign of easing soon.

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