Blatant Deception: PM Drew Government Holds Two Ceremonies for One Fishing Vessel as Minister Duggins Re-Commission Team Unity purchased and procured Fishing Vessel in Second Ceremony!

Government Holds Two Ceremonies for One Fishing Vessel

The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has held two commissioning ceremonies for a single fishing vessel, initially obtained under the Team Unity Administration. The first ceremony took place on December 7, 2022, with Minister Samal Duggins officiating. The vessel, a one million dollar ($1 million) Fisheries Patrol Vessel, was acquired to enhance the operations of the Department of Marine Resources on both St. Kitts and Nevis. Read more.

See photos below for Vessel Commissioning in 2022

Fast forward nearly two years later, under the current PM Drew-led SKN Labour administration, the same vessel was again commissioned on July 31, 2024, in another ceremony hosted by Minister Samal Duggins. See the ceremony on SKNIS Facebook.

See photos below for Vessel Commissioning in 2024

This repetition has raised significant concerns, highlighting what many perceive as blatant deception by the PM Drew administration. The two ceremonies for the same vessel point to a lack of transparency and integrity within the current administration, reflecting poorly on both Minister Samal Duggins and PM Drew’s leadership.

Key Points:

  • First commissioning ceremony: December 7, 2022, officiated by Minister Samal Duggins.
  • Second commissioning ceremony: July 31, 2024, under the PM Drew administration.
  • The vessel was initially procured and purchased by the Team Unity Administration.
  • The repeated commissioning of the same vessel has sparked criticism of the current administration’s governance practices.

This clear case of repeated commissioning underscores the need for greater accountability and transparency in governmental operations.

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