Appointments of All Officers Subject to Probation says Royal St.Christopher-Nevis Police Force Act

Basseterre, St.Kitts (February 11th 2016):- St.Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris’ announcement of a new High Command at the Royal St.Christopher and Nevis Police Force has been met with widespread commendation. PM Harris on Wednedsay evening announced the Appointment of 29 Year Veteran and former ACP Ian M Queeley as the new Commissioner of Police. In addition he announced 35 year Vet Hilroy Brandy as the new Deputy Commissioner along with ACP’s Terrance James, Andre Mitchel and the Mercelyn Hughes whose appointment was historic as the first woman to be appointed to the High Command.

Commissioner of Police Ian Queeley
Despite the tremendous support expressed by the nation for the appointments to the New High Command the Opposition St.Kitts-Nevis Labour Party have expressed opposing views to the appointments. The Dr. Denzil Douglas led party have raised an issue with the probation announced for the new highly regarded Commissioner and his high command. The Opposition coalition which lost power almost one year to the day on February 16th 2015 have taken to the airwaves to raise objections to the announcement of a probationary period of the new Top COP. They contended that the probation was highly irregular and may very well affect the performance of the new Commissioner.

Saint Christopher and Nevis The Police Act 1999
On the Thursday February 11th Edition of Issues the Labour Party spokesperson Austin Edinborough reiterated the notion that a probation period for a Commissioner of Police was highly irregular or non-existent.
However the Royal St.Christopher and Nevis Police Force Act No. 1999 of 1999 clearly states that any officer above the rank of a subordinate officer shall be on probation for a period of 3 years . The act therefore suggests that at least since 1999 every officer above the rank of a subordinate were subject to a probationary period.
The Opposition’s expressed view regarding the appointments and the probation are being described as unfounded and nothing more than political distractions.
Febrary 16th marks the 1st anniversary since the new Dr. Timothy Harris led Team UNITY was swept into government in a near landslide victory which saw the ouster of a 20 Year Old Dr. Denzil Douglas led regime.
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