Dr. Timothy Harris Urges Immediate Action: Lists Urgent Recommendations. Demands Recall of Proven Crime-Fighting Policies Amid Escalating Crisis !


In a bold and urgent statement, Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, the 3rd Prime Minister and National Leader of the Peoples Labour Party, has called on the current Prime Minister, Dr. Terrance Drew, to immediately recall and reactivate the successful crime-fighting policies implemented during Harris’s tenure.

Dr. Harris, known for his commitment to safety and security, highlighted the achievements of his administration, including a significant reduction in murders through measures such as raising the budgetary support to the Ministry of National Security, expanding the CCTV program, and introducing innovative initiatives like the PEACE Programme and the Explorers Club.

Expressing concern over St. Kitts and Nevis reclaiming the unenviable title of the murder capital under the current administration, Dr. Harris listed a series of recommendations for immediate implementation. These include articulating a clear crime reduction policy, recommitting to the PEACE and Explorers Club Programmes, appointing competent leaders in the Police Force, ending victimization in the security forces, addressing low morale, and providing necessary resources.

Dr. Harris’s passionate call for action underscores the gravity of the current crime situation and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive strategy to restore safety and security for every citizen and resident.

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