Crucial Spent Grain Support Withdrawn, Dealing Another Blow to Agriculture Sector

In a devastating turn of events, local farmers have received a crippling blow to their livelihoods. The crucial supply of spent grain, provided by their extension officer, has been abruptly halted. This invaluable resource, rich in protein and fiber, sourced from a nearby Brewery, has been a lifeline for ruminant farmers, aiding in the introduction of a semi-intensive farming system.This innovative approach promised to address major challenges faced by ruminant farmers, including dog attacks, praedial larceny, parasite burdens, and potential poisoning. Moreover, it held the potential to bolster the availability of high-quality mutton for local consumption, a win-win for both farmers and consumers.Already, this supplemental feeding method has demonstrated its worth, visibly improving the body condition of flocks that once struggled to find nutrient-rich sustenance, especially during dry spells. However, for the farmers, this sudden shift represents an added financial burden on already strained budgets.The decision to redirect the crucial pick-up service, based on new priorities set by the Ministry of Agriculture, was relayed to the extension officer by the Department’s Director on a fateful Friday morning. This unforeseen development casts a shadow of uncertainty over the future of local agriculture, leaving farmers grappling with yet another harsh reality in an already challenging industry.

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